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玛丽受到这个爱讽刺人的老太太的嘲笑。Mary was twitted by a satirical old lady.

滑稽或讽剌作品也受到保护。Parodies or satirical works are also protected.

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通常,人们的尖酸刻薄来自于虚荣心而非恶意。Usually we are more satirical from vanity than malice.

自那以后,所有的讽刺性图片都被称为漫画。Thereafter all satirical drawings were called cartoons.

张天翼的讽刺小说显示了特独的艺术个性。Zhang Tianyi's novels exhibit his unique satirical art style.

由于好讥刺的个性,他的作品多以讽刺为主。His works were known to be satiric due to his satirical personality.

半月刊的讽刺杂志持续的嘲笑。A persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine.

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徐静蕾还被传曾与讽刺小说家王朔交往过。Ms. Xu was also rumored to have dated the satirical novelist Wang Shuo.

吴歌所呈现出来的反讽色彩,就是这特殊岁月的真实写照。The satirical genre of the songs is really a mirror of the special time.

四诗,当讽刺合唱团。诗歌死了,为春季和秋季。Four of poetry, when the satirical Choir. Poetry is dead, for the Spring and Autumn.

其中有些是讽刺诗,有些是滑稽剧,还有一些是给报纸的信件。Some of these were satirical verses, some farcical plays, others letters to newspapers.

皆在1903年开始连载的“四大谴责小说”是中国现代型社会小说的启端。Four satirical novels published in 1903 is a beginning of Chinese morden social fictions.

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现代艺术生态的功能性失衡导致了讽刺喜剧的不可避免的衰落。Funcational imbalance of modern artistic ecology brings about a kind of Satirical Comedy.

本文将中国现代讽刺幽默小说荟萃起来加以综合研究。The author provides a comprehensive study of modern Chinese satirical and humorous novels.

比喻、反语等修辞方法的运用大大增强了滑稽人物讽谏的说服力。And the satirical advising was persuasive because of wide use of metaphor, irony and so on.

市长大人在女王访问时把城市之剑呈献给女王,1837年。Satirical view of the Lord Mayor presenting the City Sword to Victoria on her visit in 1837.

对一个人说他很勇敢,就会把他变得勇敢---托马斯。卡莱尔,苏格兰讽刺作家。Tell a man he is brave, and you help him to become so---Thomas Carlyle, Scotish satirical writer.

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这一充满讽刺意味的演说几乎是对人权主义不加掩饰的指责。This satirical address was a thinly disguised stricture against the doctrine of the rights of man.

演出时还演绎了一段讽刺贪官污吏的舞剧,使燕山君非常的愉快。Performed a satirical interpretation Shihai corrupt officials of ballet, so Yanshan Jun very happy.

第四章,论述影响“临川四梦”讽世意识的因素。The forth chapter discusses the infection factors of the satirical consciousness of "Linchuan Four Dreams".