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组织膜是体内粉尘迁移的隔离阻滞带。Tissue membrane is the retardation cingulum of dust transference in vivo.

大多数唐氏综合症儿童有轻度到中度的弱智。Most children with Down syndrome have mild-to-moderate mental retardation.

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涂料。厚塑料涂层。滴水渗透的阻滞。Paints . thick plastics coatings . retardation of dripping water diffusion.

一个医生诊断为PKU,是一种会导致迟钝的新陈代谢疾病。One doctor diagnosed PKU, a metabolic disease that can result in retardation.

这可能引发健康问题,畸形小头以及智力低下。They are associated with physical problems, microcephaly and mental retardation.

而列宁大脑的某一个指数显示他很有可能有智力缺陷。One of the “indices” associated the structure of Lenin’s brain with mental retardation.

由于存在一个染色体外碎片,他有轻微的智障。Due to the presence of an extrachromosomal fragment, he suffered slight mental retardation.

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研究显示,缺碘是智力发育迟缓的一个主要但可预防的因素。Studies show that iodine deficiency is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.

唐氏综合症是最普遍的遗传引起的脑力障碍。Down syndrome is the most common jenatic genetic cause of matal retaditionmental retardation.

程差为波长的整数倍时,透过极大。When the wave numbers of the retardation are integral, the maxima transmission are available.

通常情况下,分批测定法得出的阻滞系数值要比吸附柱法的结果大得多。Generally, the retardation factors from batch method are much greater than that from column method.

母亲吸烟的婴孩出生体重低、胚胎发育迟缓的可能性增加。The risk of low birth weight and intra-uterine retardation increases for babies of mothers who smoke.

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椭偏术对其相延测量的实验结果,验证了这种波片结构设计的合理性。Accurate measurement of its retardation by ellipsometry prove the rationality of its structure design.

生物在老化过程中,表现出记忆减退、智力障碍等早期症状。In the process of aging, creatures showed early symptoms such as memory impairment, mental retardation.

丽丽也因出生时有窒息史接受过抢救,精神运动发育迟滞。Lili because of the history of asphyxia at birth have received emergency treatment, mental retardation.

结论儿童生长发育迟缓大多数是由于生长激素缺乏或部分缺乏所致。Conclusions Growth retardation in children is mostly attributed to the total or partial deficiency of GH.

该光学膜具有高延迟值、透明性和耐透湿性。The optical film has a high retardation value, the transparency and the moisture permeability resistance.

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什么是'科恩综合征-罕见的先天性障碍与肥胖及精神发育迟滞'?。Cohen syndrome has several characteristics such as obesity, mental retardation and craniofacial dysmorphism.

认为IUGR的发病与胎盘缺血缺氧及绒毛发育迟缓有关。It was suggested that production of IUGR was related to placental ischemia and villus maturation retardation.

在特殊教育领域,自伤行为最多的是出现于自闭症儿童和智力落后儿童中。In the domain of special education, persons with autism and mental retardation appear self-injurious behavior.