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我希望你成功。I hope you succeed.

我会成功“I'm going to succeed."

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我想它们能够获得成功。I want them to succeed.

不论我成功失败。If I fail, if I succeed.

那不应该成功。That should not succeed.

我们希望她会成功。We hope she may succeed.

这就是我成功的原因。And that’s why I succeed.

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汝永不能成功。Thou shall never succeed.

其中一些将会成功。Some of them will succeed.

除了他我们都成功了。We all succeed except him.

谁将接替他的职位?Who will succeed his post?

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然而,我们该如何取得成功?As such, how do we succeed?

下一次你一定能成功!You will succeed next time.

年轻人切盼成功。Young men yearn to succeed.

这一次应当成功。This time it should succeed.

这一次我们必须成功。This time we have to succeed.

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我知道你一定会成功的。NO05,1. I know you'll succeed.

要想陈宫就得努力工作。One must work hard to succeed.

看样子她没有成功。Apparently she did not succeed.