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特里并没有旧病复发。John Terry has not had a relapse.

他生来就笨,而且还会旧病复发。He was born silly and had a relapse.

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故态复萌是抹大拉从良所生活的一部分。Relapse is a part of life at Magdalene.

行根治性手术切除后,未见复发。There was no relapse after radical operation.

不过在7月24日这天,市场故态复萌。But on July 24th, the markets suffered a relapse.

她停下来,不禁脸红,笑她自己的。She stoped to blush and laugh at her own relapse.

他不能回去工作,因为旧病复发了。He can't return to work because he's had a relapse.

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复吸原因主要是心理因素的影响。The main reason for relapse was psychological factors.

他以「可怕的故态复萌」来形容这次事件。He described this latest incident as a "horrific relapse".

DHA的缺乏同样被认为与脱瘾后的复发有联系。It has also been associated with the relapse into addiction.

但是不久,滴发现她的乳癌居然复发。However, soon after that, she has a relapse of breast cancer.

药物成瘾中以海洛因的成瘾性最强,脱毒后复吸率很高。Heroin addiction has a high relapse rate after detoxification.

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可分为慢性持续型和慢性复发型。CDD is classified into chronic persistency and chronic relapse.

你刚才谈到过他的女儿。他的女儿知道他又犯病了么?You spoke of his daughter. Does his daughter know of the relapse?

由于栓子可以反复脱落,所以容易复发。Because embolus can fall off repeatedly, have a relapse easily so.

在这种情况下,全球危机复发不可能被排除在外。In this context a relapse of the global crisis cannot be ruled out.

目的探讨和分析复发涂阳肺结核的发生原因。Objective To explore and analyze the reasons of relapse TB patients.

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经治疗和保持后,上下牙弓宽度和长度并非一定会复发。Not all of dental arch width and length will relapse after retention.

随访4个月,所有消融成功患者均未再有心动过速发作。In 4 months follow-up no relapse occurred in those cured cases either.

腱鞘囊肿手术后总复发,有什么好的办法啊?Tendon sheath always has a relapse after cyst operation, idea is there?