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帕顿是她心中的偶像。And Dolly Parton is her idol.

想想看,比较一下多莉·帕顿和劳拉·布什、唐·金和菲尔博士。Think of Dolly Parton vs. Laura Bush. Don King vs.

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她的爸爸是一名医生,他鼓励女儿在学业上有所成就。But this flat-chested wisp of a girl is no Dolly Parton.

想想看,比较一下多莉·帕顿和劳拉·布什、唐·金和菲尔博士。Think of Dolly Parton vs.Laura Bush.Don King vs.Dr.Phil.

想想看,比较一下多莉·帕顿和劳拉·布什、唐·金和菲尔博士。Think of Dolly Parton vs. Laura Bush. Don King vs. Dr. Phil.

没有人期望桃莉巴顿知道如何接上麦克风。Nobody expects Dolly Parton to know how to plug in a microphone.

五名歌手在一次多莉帕顿主题音乐会上成为了朋友。Five singers meet at a tribute to Dolly Parton and become friends.

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多莉?帕顿生长在田纳西州大烟山地区的一个贫苦家庭里。Dolly Parton grew up poor in the Great Smoky Mountain area of Tennessee.

她从小就热爱乡村音乐,尤其喜爱歌手佩茜•克莱恩和多莉•帕顿。Growing up, she developed a love for country music, especially Patsy Cline and Dolly Parton.

什么是经常混淆的是质心的能源,也是能源每核子或帕。What is often confused is the center-of-mass energy and also the energy per nucleon or parton.

根据AP方程,部分子不断地从一个演化为两个较小动量的部分子。According to AP equation, one parton will split into two partons with smaller momentum continually.

她在心里想着,也许嫁给约翰帕顿,并且让埃菲和帕顿拥有这座房子,可能是最好不过的事了。It might, after all, be best, she told herself, to marry John Parton and let Effie and Will have this house.

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从六岁开始,里斯?威瑟斯庞就梦想著成为一名乡村歌手,多莉?帕顿是她心中的偶像。Since she was six years old, Reese Witherspoon has wanted to be a country singer. And Dolly Parton is her idol.

一直以来比利都有一种莫名的感觉,就是他会在将来某一天遇到多莉并且和她躺在一起。All along, though, Billy has had the strange sensation that he would someday meet and lay down with Dolly Parton.

去年,国家流行音乐学会将帕顿女士列入歌曲创作名人纪念馆。Last year, the National Academy of Popular Music chose Ms. Parton to be included in the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

在下面的歌曲,歌手多莉帕顿告诉她的新爱,她的旧情人,她的旧情人,不能与他相比。In the following song, singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames, her old lovers, cannot compare with him.

澄清氘核结构函数的核效应,有助于我们更好的了解束缚核子的部分子分布函数。To clarify the nuclear effects of deuteron will contribute to a better understanding of parton distributions in bound nucleon.

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在遭邻居抱怨一天到晚以震天价响的音量播放美国乡村乐歌后桃莉.芭顿的畅销名曲后,一名英国妇女的音响被没收。British woman has had her stereo confiscated after neighbours complained about her blasting out Dolly Parton hits at top volume around the clock.

本文概述了核子结构的核效应,并着重介绍了两套束缚核子的部分子分布函数。In this paper, the nuclear effects of the bound nucleon structure are reviewed, two sets of nuclear parton distribution functions are introduced.

在高能标度下描述强子的是与探测强子结构的硬过程相联系的QCD部分子模型。At high energy scale, the QCD parton model, which is relative to the hard process for testing the hadron structure, is used to describe the hadron.