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这么吵闹究竟是怎么回事?What's all the rumpus about?

抑或是黑暗污秽凌乱不堪的房间呢?Or, is it a rumpus room strewn of rummage?

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他的被捕引起了一场外交风波。His arrest has sparked a diplomatic rumpus.

无论你做何选择,喧嚣迟早都会平息。Either way, the rumpus will die down in time.

她不久就习惯城市生活的喧闹繁忙。She used to rumpus and busyness in city life soon.

不管怎么说,伊朗似乎对现在的热闹景象非常的满意。In any event, Iran sounds well pleased with the current rumpus.

你应该为这里缺乏安全措施而提出抗议。You should raise a rumpus about the lack of safety routines here.

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实际上,在争论开始一年前他就已经离开公司了。He had actually left the company a year before the rumpus started.

当我们没有出现在,真是太打击人了。The Rumpus And when we're not pictured in The Rumpus it can really hurt.

现在,这本他的新作在波兰出版后,引发了对历史的新的争论。Now his latest book, newly published in Polish, has caused a fresh rumpus.

这下可乱套了,首先是女儿回家“闹翻了天”。Then might mess up, first was the daughter goes home "to raise a rumpus ".

兰斯利的计划可能引起了一点吵闹和警告。Mr Lansley's plans might have caused less of a rumpus with more explicit warning.

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旁边几个男孩子除了迈克以外都跟着起哄。Flank a few man kids in addition to exceed grams to all emulate to build a big rumpus.

这一番吵闹使得所有关于团结和谐的乐观言论听起来都显得有几分空洞。The rumpus has made all the optimistic statements about unity and harmony ring a little hollow.

你是个老人家,别人高声,你还要管他们呢,难道你反不知道规矩,在这里嚷起来,叫老太太生气不成?。At your age you ought to stop other people from brawling. Don't forget yourself and start a rumpus here which may upset the old lady.

对比一下Facebook对这种事情的做法——今年早期Rumpus的一篇文章报道了Facebook至少有两名员工因为获取用户数据而被解职。Contrast this with Facebook — a Rumpus article earlier this year stated that at least two employees have previously been fired for accessing user data.

兄弟俩极有默契,宇文浩然反应很快,立即把认罪的想法压下,喊冤出声。The brothers a couple has tacit understanding very many, Yu text the Hao although reaction immediately press down the viewpoint of cop-out presently and hurrah Yuan to make a rumpus.

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他们将自己从一个“活”表演团队变成了一个试验小组,他们的录音室就是他们自己的电子娱乐室。They have transformed themselves from a "live" performing team to an experimental laboratory group, and they have staked out the recording studio as their own electronic rumpus room.

富有,成功以及42岁的青春年华,即使我们臆想到即将来临的新中多多少少会有些事端将不期而遇,却很难想像能有什么能真正难倒他。Rich, successful and a youthful 42, it is difficult to think what could trouble him even if we suspect that, with a new season looming , some rumpus or other is waiting around the corner.

正如喧闹的吉百利收购案所显示的,对于外国收购,包括英国在内的各个国家都残存了一些担忧---害怕收购方会剥夺这些业务并移到他国。As the rumpus about Cadbury showed, there is a certain residual wariness in Britain, as in all countries, about foreign takeovers-a fear that acquirers will strip out the business and take it abroad.