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和谐也往往是通过对不同意见的压制实现的。Harmony is too often achieved by the repression of dissenting views.

它不许可有对存在的持任何异议的权利。It does not acknowledge any dissenting opinion's right to existence.

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我曾经工作过的一家公司所有交易都会指派一位持异见的合伙人。One firm I used to work at mandated a dissenting partner on all deals.

然而,当时曾有一些很快就被诽谤或者遗忘的不同意见。S21 However, there was some dissenting opinion, soon to be maligned or forgotten.

而我的反对不同于其他任一种反对,而且我也不赞成任何一种持反对意见的派别。My dissent is different from all those other dissents, which is why I am dissenting.

反对者们齐声指出,打篮球的目的在于学到篮球技术。The point of basketball, the dissenting chorus said, was to learn basketball skills.

这就像在人的头脑中有一个不断重复的信念,淹没了其他反对意见。It's like drowning out dissenting opinions in one's own head with a redundant belief.

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评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.

现在,我们终于听到了一把不同的声音,那些新鲜的观点却来源于一个我们意料不到的角落。Now and then we hear a dissenting voice. Here is a breath of fresh air from an unexpected quarter.

虽然相亲节目有一些反对的声音,但是他的高收视率也说明他很受欢迎。Although there are some dissenting voices, but the high ratings also reflect the shows' popularity.

对此,新华财经资信评级部门发表短评提出不同意见。In this regard, Xinhua Finance Department issued a short commentary credit rating a dissenting opinion.

人权活动者,公共权利律师和其他异见者遭到逮捕和侵扰。Human-rights activists, public-interest lawyers and other dissenting voices have been jailed or harassed.

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多数法官认为不应被判罪,但是持异议的法官并不认同这个裁定。While the majority said that Bagdasarian could not be convicted of a crime, the dissenting judge disagreed.

此外,信息狂躁对同事也有负面影响,增加他们的压力和敌对情绪。Furthermore, infomania is having a negative effect on work colleagues, increasing stress and dissenting feelings.

印度法官巴尔先生提出异议,认为应该所有被告应当无罪释放。Mr. Justice Pal, of India, said in a dissenting judgment that all the defendants should be acquitted of all the charges.

主审官Rehnquist将两个案件中的不同意见进行了整理,并被法官Blackmun加入到关于密西根案件的异议中来。Chief Justice Rehnquist filed dissenting opinions in both cases and was joined by Justice-Blackmun in his Michigan dissent.

那段时间,俄罗斯的媒体基本上被克里姆林宫管制,波里科夫斯卡娅则是绝无仅有的不同声音。At a time when most of Russia's press has been muzzled by the Kremlin, Politkovskaya was a relatively rare dissenting voice.

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尽管亚平宁半岛上充满了反对的声音,但他的经纪人恩里科。费德莱正在同尤文高层进行谈判以便将这名老将重新带回都灵城。But his agent Enrico Fedele is in talks to bring the veteran back to Turin, in spite of many dissenting voices in the peninsula.

新浪微博作为表达异见主要场所的重要性与日俱增最终将不可避免地引起有关部门的关注。The growing prominence of Weibo as a focal point for dissenting voices will inevitably attract the attention of the authorities.

一名法官通常会代替大多数法官撰写意见,其他人则共同地或单独地撰写不同意见。One justice usually writes the opinion for the majority, while others may write dissenting opinions collectively or on their own.