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有些甚至是从海参崴、哈尔滨、乌兰巴托过去的。Even Old Bolshies from Vladivostok and Harbin and Ulan Bator.

从符拉迪沃斯托克开始的抗议活动,现在蔓延到了俄罗斯的欧洲区省市。An uprising that began in Vladivostok is now spreading to European Russia.

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海参葳是一个很浪漫的的城市,热恋中的情侣几乎到处都是。Vladivostok is a very romantic city. Loving couples are almost everywhere.

在所有俄罗斯的城市中,海参葳拥有最高的人均汽车量。Vladivostok has the highest number of cars per capita among all Russian cities.

近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok.

这是海参葳的码头,他旁边的潜艇现在被作为了一个博物馆。And this is the quay of Vladivostok and a submarine beside it that now serves as a museum.

人们在海参崴附近的狩猎公园门口发现了几只被遗弃的小熊仔。These cute black bear cubs were found abandoned at the gate of the safari park near Vladivostok.

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因此,当我们来到终点站海参崴时,不能不去参观9288纪念碑。Therefore, when we came to the terminus in Vladivostok , we can not not to visit the 9288 monument.

海参崴的几家饭店则举办起了“烛光之夜”活动,借“地球一小时”之机营造浪漫气氛。Restaurants in Vladivostok held a so-called Candle Evening, promoting Earth Hour as a chance for romance.

近期还将在海参崴举行俄罗斯图们江地区招商会。In the near future , the Russian Tumen River Region Negotiation Conference will also be held in Vladivostok.

对自由的崇尚,民主空间的扩张,至少从温哥华到海参崴,到处都是自由的领土。The talk was of a new liberty-respecting, democratic space stretching, at a minimum, from Vancouver to Vladivostok.

太平洋舰队的水上飞机对靠近海参崴和波谢特日本海海域进行了侦查。Pacific flying boats were carrying the reconnaissance in the Sea of Japan, on the approaches to Vladivostok and Posiet.

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这将会促成关于北约合作和建立一个从“温哥华到海参崴”的多功能安全体系的对话。There is renewed talk about Russia-NATO cooperation and a functional security community "from Vancouver to Vladivostok."

海参葳盛产海产品,当地餐厅供应蟹类,油螺,章鱼,鱿鱼和其他一些海鲜。Vladivostok is a city of marine products. Local restaurants offer crabs, whelks, octopuses, shellfish, squid and others.

Nevelskoy而命名,在英语中意为“希望”,现在隶属于位于海参崴的国立海事大学。‘Nadezhda’ which means ‘hope’ in English, belongs to Maritime State University named after adm. G. I. Nevelskoy in Vladivostok.

第二座将穿过东博斯普鲁斯海峡连接海参葳和俄罗斯岛,岛上就是峰会的举办地。And the second one will be across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait between Vladivostok and Russian Island where APEC is going to take place.

与我同一卧铺间的旅伴是兰克郡来的老乡菲兹尓,她有点嬉皮士派头,做焚香进口生意,她也要从莫斯科一直乘到符拉迪沃斯托克。My room-mate was Fizle, an old-school hippy incense importer and a fellow Lancastrian. She was also doing Moscow to Vladivostok in one hit.

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俄罗斯最大的汽车交易市场之一就坐落在海参葳,在那里你主要能够买到的就是上面提到的日本产汽车。One of the Russia’s largest automotive markets is situated in Vladivostok. There you can mainly buy those previously mentioned Japanese cars.

三国外长相信,符拉迪沃斯托克会晤将为三方在共同感兴趣的各领域开展三边合作注入新活力。The ministers believed that the meeting in Vladivostok would inject new vitality into the three-party cooperation in areas of common interest.

俄罗斯岛面积远大于海参葳,但现在那里只有三个贫穷的村庄和一个军事据点。Russian Island is larger than Vladivostok by square kilometers. But now there are only 3 miserable villages and a military unit on its territory.