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宠物如喂养不当可得病。A pet may founder if fed improperly.

没有正确卸载文件系统Any file system is improperly unmounted

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上罗拉清洁器包的绒布不当。Improperly clothed top roller cleaners.

粘滞的风扇驱动工作不正常。Improperly operating viscous fan drive.

未依规定停放者,以违规停车论。Improperly parked cars will be issued a violation.

你不当网友是朋友,他们也会一样。Friends are friends you improperly , they will do it.

阿尔达的“不当入侵”的描述是轻描淡写。ALDA's "improperly intrude" depiction is an understatement.

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连字符不再不合适地关于系统断裂被安置。Hyphens are no longer improperly placed over system breaks.

不要采用螺栓硬将不相配的法兰拉到一起。Do not use bolts to bring together improperly mated flanges.

修正了拳套武器不正常遮罩的错误。Fixed an issue where Fist weapons were sheathing improperly.

不当之处,请同修慈悲指正。Please kindly point out to me if I said anything improperly.

然而,它也可以成为滋扰,如果我们使用不当。However, it can also become a nuisance if we use it improperly.

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通常,问题是一或更多不正确附加的连接头。Usually, the problem is one or more improperly attached connectors.

如果设计不当,刻度盘将会非常难于操作。Improperly implemented, dials can be extremely difficult to manipulate.

附上我的检讨报告,不当之处可以协商。Enclose with my self-criticism report, improperly place can consultation.

据报道,很多中国游客在公共场所的行为举止不妥。It has been reported that many tourists behave improperly in public places.

只允许原配电池在手机里充电,以免错误充电造成伤害。Only for original battery charge. Avoid damage caused by charging improperly.

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很遗憾,发生了某些误会,以至错发了货物。Unfortunately, some mistakes were made and the goods have been improperly delivered.

很多突尼斯人认为,本。阿里和他广大的班底不当敛取了巨大的财富。Many Tunisians believe Ben Ali and his extended clan improperly amassed vast fortunes.

被人所取是指比丘不如法地跟俗人混在一起。Taken away by a human being means that a Bhikkhu lives, mingling improperly with laity.