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宗派蜕变是一场悲剧,然而却可以预见。Denominational disintegration is a tragic, but predictable, sight.

我们提供的一切都是不分教派的,所有宗教都欢迎。All our offers are non- denominational . All religions are welcome.

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各教派之间的其他差异与教会领导机构有关。Other denominational differences have to do with church government.

士德顿基督教真道堂是一间不分宗派的独立教会。Stockton Chinese Christian Church is a non- denominational independent Christian church.

但是我们不能在公立学校提起上帝,或者唱没有教派色彩的宗教歌曲。But we can't mention his name in a public school or even sing religious hymns that are non- denominational.

主要倡导者的亚洲神学已经自由神学教会的神干线。The major proponents of Asian theology have been liberal theologians of mainline denominational seminaries.

还有,司布真不愿意“把维护真理降服在维护宗派的兴旺和合一之下”。Again, Spurgeon was not ready "to subordinate the maintenance of truth to denominational prosperity and unity."

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隐密的生命事工是不分宗派,不牟利的基督宣教事工,于2004年在美国设立。Hidden Life Ministry Inc. Is a Christian, non- denominational , non-profit organization established in the USA in 2004.

在学校设置政府认可的任何宗教活动,都可能引发教派间的敌对。To establish any form of state-sanctioned religious activity in the schools threatens to introduce denominational hostility.

麻省理工学院人类住房项目,作为国际人类住房项目的校园部分,是一个由学生领导的无派别团体。MIT Habitat for Humanity, as a campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity International, is a non- denominational student-led group.

破坏教会合一的是谬误,留在一个纵容谬误的宗派联盟里就是支持分裂。It is error which breaks the unity of churches, and to remain in a denominational alignment which condones error is to support schism.

最近基督教样式的婚礼增多,婚礼正朝著简单的方向发展。In recent times, the trend has been towards Christian and non- denominational weddings, and weddings are generally becoming more simple events.

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半世纪以来国内环境的关系,教会的领袖们能幸免涉入教派之争,且发展出本土特色的宗教体系。Chinese church leaders who have not had a denominational influence for half a century, prefer to have their own worship styles and even indigenous theologies.

在冲突期间,“爱国主义被圣神化了,它享有等同于甚至优于常规教派信仰的地位”。During the conflict, "patriotism itself became sacralized to the point that it enjoyed coequal or even superior status to conventional denominational faiths."

在冲突期间,“爱国主义被圣神化了,它享有等同于甚至优于常规教派信仰的地位”。During the conflict, “patriotism itself became sacralized to the point that it enjoyed coequal or even superior status to conventional denominational faiths.”

经过了143年的发展,现在的温莎大学已经成为了一所全面高素质的综合性大学。In the 143 years that have since past, the small, liberal arts college has grown into today's non- denominational , comprehensive, teaching and learning university.

学习神学的学生通常是打算在基督教教内任职,例如牧师、神学院教授或教派管理人员。Students of divinity are typically preparing for ordination in some form of Christian ministry, such as pastor, seminary professor, or denominational administrator.

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维护宗派的组织机构,而它却无力对异端实行纪律,这样的做法不能以维护‘基督教的合一’为理由而得到认可。The preservation of a denominational association when it is powerless to discipline heretics cannot be justified on the grounds of the preservation of 'Christian unity'.

创立于809年的一支基督教派别,该教派以基督的信念和行为为唯一准则,否认派别信条,以浸洗礼实行洗礼。Christian denomination founded in 809 that accepts the Bible as the only rule of Christian faith and practice, rejects denominational creeds, and practices baptism by immersion.

他的理由是联盟宁愿要宗派的和睦而不尽对付谬误的责任,因着对罪的容忍,这使得基督徒的退出成为无可避免的事。His reason was that the Union was preferring denominational peace to the duty of dealing with error and thus, by tolerating sin, they made the withdrawal of Christians unavoidable.