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那像一种梦游症。I think that is like sleepwalking.

梦游是个有趣的现象。Sleepwalking is an intriguing phenomenon.

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如果梦游,请寻求医疗帮助。Seek medical help if you experience sleepwalking.

而我们则梦游着来到这个勇敢的新世界。And yet we're sleepwalking into this brave new world.

梦游的过程可以持续少至几秒钟多至半小时。Sleepwalking episodes can last from a few seconds to half an hour.

在孩童时代,她没有恶梦或梦游的历史。She did not have any history of night terr ¬ors or sleepwalking as a child.

医生说,梦游症比人们通常认为的要常见得多。Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more commonthan is generally supposed.

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医生们都说,梦游症要比人们通常认为的情况更加普遍得多。Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more common than is generally supposed.

梦游往往会发生在每一个家庭成员中,男孩较女孩为多。Sleepwalking also runs in families, and occurs more often in boys than in girls.

像以前一样,有一天她正在梦游,第二天她的皮肤开始颤抖起来。As before, one day she was sleepwalking and the next she is vibrating in her skin.

梦游大多发生在儿童身上,男孩较女孩为多Sleepwalking occurs most often in children, and more commonly in boys than in girls.

写这份报告的作者给这种新的梦游症为“打瞌睡发信”。The writers of the report have dubbed this new variation of sleepwalking 'zzz-mailing'.

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大概有过一些故事,一个叫蘑菇少年,一个叫梦游症男孩。Some story about a boy called a mushroom youngster, other one called a sleepwalking boy.

唤醒梦游者并不会伤害到他们,因为梦游本身并没有危险。And while waking a sleepwalker won't do them anyharm, sleepwalking itself can be dangerous.

梦游症是精神病中意识障碍的一种。Sleepwalking is one of the disturbances of consciousness that fall in the scope of psychopaths.

然而美国和俄国已不再是敌手,它们似乎正稀里糊涂地奔向未来。Yet the United States and Russia,no longer adversaries, seem to be sleepwalking toward the future.

就这样快乐又像梦游般似的暑假,让快乐与轻松流遍每一天。It was so happy and butter, like sleepwalking like summer, so happy and easy to flow through every day.

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RBD通常导致人们表现出他们的梦境,就像人们对于梦游的错误理解。RBD usually results in people acting out their dreams, like the false perception people have of sleepwalking.

但是,困惑比偶尔在夜间溜达要好因为潜在的危险是由梦游病导致的。Still, more disconcerting than the occasional nocturnal stroll is the potential peril caused by sleepwalking.

一个一相情愿的交易者给他亏损的账户“更多的时间以恢复”,然而却慢慢的摧毁了他的账户。A sleepwalking trader gives his losing trades "more time to work out, " while they slowly destroy his account.