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沙斯塔滑雪场滑雪区。Shasta Ski Resort ski area.

“你是谁呢?”沙斯塔问道。"Who are you?" asked Shasta.

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加州正在建设中的大坝。Shasta dam under construction.

“你怎么上这儿来的?”沙斯塔问。"How did you get here?" said Shasta.

“我——我不知道。”沙斯塔结结巴巴地说道。"I- I don't know, " stammered Shasta.

赶上去,马儿,赶上去。"Get on, Horse, get on, " said Shasta.

“我想谁都会跌跤的吧。”沙斯塔说。"I suppose anyone can fall, " said Shasta.

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沙斯塔听到这儿便站起身来,掂着脚走开了。At this point Shasta got up and tiptoed away.

沙斯塔踅过去,拍拍马儿的颈子。Shasta strolled over to it and patted its neck.

“哦,现在它停步了,不管它是什么马儿。”沙斯塔说。"Well, it's stopped now, whatever it is, " said Shasta.

沙斯塔注意到他自己浑身发抖,全身都在冒冷汗。Shasta noticed that he was trembling and sweating all over.

“当然装在我的脚后跟上啦,”沙斯塔说,”我就知道这么点儿。”"Put them on my heels, of course, " said Shasta. "I do know that much. "

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“喇叭声!”小矮人们一齐说道,这时他们和沙斯塔都跑出门外去了。"Trumpets! " said all the Dwarfs, as they and Shasta all came running out.

莱丁美国加利福尼亚州北部城市,临沙斯塔湖以南萨克拉门托河。A city of northern California on the Sacramento River south of Shasta Lake.

国王目不转睛地瞧着沙斯塔,脸上露出异于寻常的神情。The King was staring at Shasta with an extraordinary expression on his face.

对沙斯塔来说,这顿早餐全然是新奇的、了不起的,因为卡乐门的食物是完全不同的。It was all new and wonderful to Shasta for Calormene food is quite different.

“我在做梦,”沙斯塔心中想道,“我能对天发誓,另一匹马儿在说话哩。”"I'm dreaming, " thought Shasta. "I could have sworn that other horse spoke. "

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“王子会追我们的。”另一个王爷说道,他的名字沙斯塔还没有听说过。"The Prince will chase us, " said another lord, whose name Shasta had not heard.

“有什么不对劲吗?”沙斯塔低声问阿拉维斯,她的脸上有一种古怪的神色。"Is anything wrong?" whispered Shasta to Aravis, who had an odd look on her face.

沙斯塔对大城市的风光毫无概念,眼前的光景叫他吓了一跳。Shasta had had no notion of what a great city would be like and it frightened him.