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它将表转储为一种可读的格式。It dumps tables into a readable format.

米基这些天的确有些闷闷不乐。Miki is sure down in the dumps these days.

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因为过于贫困,他的生活一直过得很。Beacuse of excessively poor, he is very dumps.

怎么啦?你的声音听起来有点沮丧。What's up? You sound a little down in the dumps?

——而当她甩掉你的时候,我们就又能回到现在这种关系啦。But when she dumps you, that's just what we'll be.

人们去垃圾桶中寻找食物或者干脆吃野草。People searched garbage dumps for food or ate weeds.

娜达,怎么了?你看上去怎么闷闷不乐的?What's the problem, Nada? You look down in the dumps.

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我以前也被预定到垃圾中过,但没有像这次。I’ve been booked into dumps before, but never like this.

周期性地清除、存档或者清理旧的日志和转储Periodically purge, archive, or clean-up old logs and dumps

每天,收拾垃圾的人把垃圾废物装进卡车的后斗。Every day, the trash man dumps trash into the back of truck.

他们靠在垃圾场捡垃圾维持着朝不保夕的生活。They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.

在每年的这个时节感到疲倦、易怒又或者忧伤?Feelingtired, irritable, or down in the dumps this time of year?

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有些版本提供了多个转储的比较分析。Some versions provide for comparative analysis of multiple dumps.

肾上腺分泌大量的皮质醇和肾上腺素进入血液。The adrenal gland dumps cortisol and adrenaline into the blood stream.

一个妇女把碎石倒入位于恰尔肯德邦一个煤矿的破碎机里面。A woman dumps rubble into a crusher at a mine in India's Jharkhand state.

很明显那些在股市处于低谷时投资的人赚了钱。And obviously those who invested when stocks were in the dumps made money.

在刺骨的两极地带和有毒废物中,生命也找到了立足之境。It has even found a toehold in the frigid polar regions and in toxic dumps.

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还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的花花公子?Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and dumps this rude dude?

悬浮培养的材料是悬浮在通气的液体培养基中的单细胞或细胞团。They consist of single cells or cell dumps suspended in aerated liquid medium.

大量的数据转储和甚而友好的网上政府门户是不足的。Massive data dumps and even friendly online government portals are insufficient.