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那场喜剧是关于什么的?What's that comedy about?

它是一部非常滑稽的喜剧片。It is a very humoristic comedy.

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喜剧中心给剧集加了消音。Comedy Central added the bleeps.

我喜欢他的电影“喜剧之王”。I like his movie King of Comedy.

他们有一个司仪,有喜剧,有故事曲折性,有舞台剧。They got an MC. They got comedy.

一个致郁的、异色的喜剧。A gloomy, tonally diverse comedy.

他们叫他“喜剧之王”。They call him the King of Comedy.

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他们在晚会上扮演了笑剧。They did a comedy act at the party.

他的风格写喜剧。His style best comports with comedy.

他的风格最适合写喜剧。His style best comports with comedy.

以战壕为背景,拍了一部喜剧。He made a comedy set in the trenches.

租一个喜剧片同他们一起看?Rent a comedy and watch it with them?

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下次我们最好去看场喜剧。We'd better go to a comedy next time.

两人都曾出演过正剧和喜剧。Both have done serious drama and comedy.

消化的来源不分好坏。Comedy comes from a good or a bad place.

他像喜剧中的坏人那样吓唬人。He blustered like a villain in a comedy.

罗马假日是1953浪漫喜剧。Roman Holiday is a 1953 romantic comedy.

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但是现在,你的喜剧能够经久不衰。But now, your comedy can live on forever.

我想下次我要看一部搞笑片。I think next time I want to see a comedy.

全片充满了悬念、情感和喜剧效果。It's full of suspense, emotion and comedy.