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在大夏宝藏中发现的黄金小雕像。Small gold figurines found in the Bactrian hoard.

野生的双峰骆驼生活在中国西北部和蒙古。The wild Bactrian camels live in northwest China and Mongolia.

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骆驼配种采用人工授精。Artificial insemination was applied to the bactrian camel breeding.

由大夏部落制作的带有珍珠装饰的金花饰物。Gold flowers adorned with pearls worn as decoration by the Bactrian nomads.

中亚的双峰骆驼有两个驼峰,阿拉伯骆驼只有一个驼峰。The Bactrian camel of Central Aaia has two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump.

和近亲阿拉伯单峰驼相比,它们有两个驼峰。Bactrian camels have two humps rather than the single hump of their Arabian relatives.

在这里,一个男孩正在套索一双峰骆驼,他和家人准备离开自己的营地。Here, a boy ropes a Bactrian camel as he and his family prepare to move on from their camp.

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双峰驼并不生活在狡猾的撒哈拉沙漠,而是生活在中亚和东亚的岩漠中。Bactrian camels live not in shifting Sahara sands but in Central and East Asia's rocky deserts.

这种单峰骆驼,或阿拉伯骆驼,用它的单个驼峰区别于它的双峰骆驼“亲戚”。The dromedary , or Arabian, camel distinguishes itself from its Bactrian relatives by its single hump.

此外,本文还对双峰驼胃有腺部不同区域糖共轭物呈色结果进行了比较和总结。The staining results of glycoconjugate in the regions of the stomach of the bactrian camel were compared.

我们采用双峰驼的外周血液淋巴细胞培养方法,对其染色体进行了分析研究。The chromosomal complement of Bactrian Camel has been studied by means of peripheral blood lymphocytes culture.

成年驼和幼年驼的碱性磷酸酶均有不同的同工酶酶谱。There were the variant isozyme-spectra of alkaline phosphatase inthe bactrian camels of adult and young groups.

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应用组织学方法观察了雌性空怀双峰驼生殖道的形态结构。Histo morphology and structure of female reproductive ducts in Bactrian camel were investigated by histological methods.

不久之后,然而,安被击败了罗马,和双峰驼领导人Euthydemus宣布自己独立。Soon after, however, Antiochus was defeated by the Romans, and the Bactrian leader Euthydemus declared himself independent.

双峰驼具有独特的繁殖生理机能,是季节发情、诱导排卵的动物。Bactrian camels have their own reproductive physiological characteristics such as seasonal oestrus and ovulation inducement.

在戈壁沙漠上,大夏驼正穿过介于蒙古和中国的起伏的巨大沙丘。Bactrian camels make their way across dunes in the Gobi desert, a vast expanse between southern Mongolia and northern China.

用光镜与电镜研究了我国35例双峰驼肝的解剖与组织结构。Anatomic and histological structure of 35 livers of bactrian camel in china were studied by light and electron microscopic techniques.

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而像在戈壁沙漠已经严重濒临灭绝的双峰骆驼,可当做更新世晚期一些长颈驼的现代分身。Bactrian camels, which are critically endangered in the Gobi Desert, could provide a modern proxy for Camelops, a late Pleistocene camel.

研究了沙质荒漠区双峰驼以消瘦、异嗜、运动障碍和容易骨折为特征的疾病。A disease characterized by emaciation, pica, lameness and liability to fracture in bactrian camels from gravel desert pasture was described.

新疆双峰驼产于新疆准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地边缘及天山南北坡的荒漠草场、荒漠草原草场地带。Xinjiang bactrian camel lives in the edge of Junggar Basin and Tarim Basin, and the area of Tianshan desert grassland and desert steppe grassland areas.