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你可以步行到怡和卢森堡,是个惊人的地方。Does she still come to the Luxembourg?

马吕斯又进了卢森堡公园。Marius betook himself to the Luxembourg.

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我们都没机会在白天好好看一眼卢森堡。We never saw Luxembourg in the daylight.

卢森堡大约有人口468,500。Luxembourg has an estimated population of 468,500.

卢森堡城区的一座跨越阿尔泽特河的桥。A bridge over the Alzette in the city of Luxembourg.

玛戈5000已经购置的,法国,比利时和卢森堡。MARGOT 5000 has been procured by France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

它的母公司是国际宜家控股集团,注册在卢森堡。Its parent company is Inter IKEA Holding, registered in Luxembourg.

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对来自卢森堡对手的主场比赛中,奥斯古独中五元。Osgood scored five in the home leg against the side from Luxembourg.

白先生和那姑娘都没有往过卢森堡公园。Leblanc nor the young girl had again set foot in the Luxembourg garden.

荷兰国王成为世袭的卢森堡大公。The king of the Netherlands became hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg.

随后,他象个疯子似的在公园里走来走去。Then he started up and walked about the Luxembourg garden like a madman.

卢森堡生产六种价格相对低廉的名牌白葡萄酒。Luxembourg produces six reputable and relatively inexpensive white wines.

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整整一个月过去了,在这期间,马吕斯天天去卢森堡公园。A full month elapsed, during which Marius went every day to the Luxembourg.

他没有离开过那地方,直到公园门要关了他才回家。He did not stir from it, and only went home when the gates of the Luxembourg closed.

1956年,国际足联在卢森堡召开的会议上,决定易名为“雷米特杯赛”。" In 1956, FIFA held a meeting in Luxembourg decided to renamed the "Jules Rimet Cup.

卢森堡在其他方面的排名并不拔尖,但是那的空气质量赢为它赢得了高分。Luxembourg is not top ranked in any category, but gets strong marks for its air quality.

它还从卢森堡的一家公司购买了一座二手高炉和一个烧结机。It bought another secondhand blast furnace and a sinter machine from Arbed in Luxembourg.

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卢森堡国家馆的建筑就像一座壁垒,把中世纪的塔楼包围其中。The structure of the Luxembourg Pavilion looks like a rampart walling in medieval towers.

如果药品成功,则利润会在卢森堡登记并且以低税率征税。If the drug were a success, profits would be booked in Luxembourg and taxed at a low rate.

范德萨保证球门不失,荷兰1-0击败卢森堡之后也升到了G组头名。Van der Sar kept a clean sheet as Holland went top of Group G by winning 1-0 in Luxembourg.