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关闭这个文件监视器。Shuts down the file watcher.

我是烈火中的利剑,干柴旁的守卫。I am the watcher near the dry wood.

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最后,观看者视角。And finally, there is the Watcher Perspective.

观察者节点可以包含任何机器SCOM代理。The watcher node can be any machine containing the SCOM agent.

所以克利福德只是在一旁看着我装饰鸡蛋,他更适合观看。So Clifford help by watching me decorate the eggs. He's a good watcher.

一双像我一样的眼睛,公众福祉的警觉的守望者——阿尔佛雷德•坦尼森。To an eye like mine a lidless watcher of the public weal-alfred tennyson.

一个申请单的观察员通常会收到回复给该申请单的所有电子邮件的副本。A watcher of a ticket normally gets email-copies of all the replies to the ticket.

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在一段时间的努力之后我们终于推倒了0守护模式下的尤格萨隆。After a few days of hard work on Yogg-Saron 0 watcher we finally managed to get him down.

乔是一位非常热衷赏鸟的人。他总会对那些有美丽羽毛的小生物著迷。Joe is an avid bird watcher. He has always been fascinated by our fine feathered friends.

修正了哨岗守卫不被显形之尘显现的问题。Fixed a problem that prevented Watcher Wards from being revealed by the Dust of Appearance.

河北“三驾马车”之一的谈歌是一个坚定的民族精神的守望者。Tan Ge, one of "the three carriages"in Hebei Province, is determined watcher of national spirit.

他在过去的工作岗位上以老看钟盼下班而闻名,假如他在这里还是耍那一套,他会丢掉工作的。In his last post he was known as a clock watcher . If he comes that game here, he'll lose his job.

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它还有一个功能叫做支持监视器,警告可能对某些浏览器的CSS错误你。It also has a feature called Support Watcher which warns you of potential CSS bugs for certain browsers.

目标者很机警,擅于观察,这就使我相信如果他给出任何承诺我们就可以一起相处。The Target is observant, a watcher. This leads me to believe we would get along if he shows any promise.

就如所有中国观察家所预期的那样,北京对于外界的指责感到愤怒。As any China watcher would expect though, Beijing is bristling at the thought it’s being singled out for blame.

在一个熟悉的地方,观赏常见的鸟类,但未必能轻松地识别罕见或珍稀鸟种是赏鸟者的特点。A bird watcher is familiar with local, common birds but may not be able to easily identify rare or intermittent visitors.

在这个博客后我将解释如何使用系统中心操作管理器的OLEDB的专家以监视Oracle数据库。In this blog post I will explain how to use an System Center Operations Manager OleDB watcher to monitor an Oracle database.

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如果说,罗大佑是台湾乐坛当之无愧的“教父”,那么,陈彤可以称作中国互联网新闻的先驱和精神守望者。If Lotayu can be called the Godfather of Taiwan's music, Chen can be named as the pioneer of China's internet and spirit watcher.

例如,发现一只十分稀有啄木鸟的观鸟者马上埋头于他的便携版鸟类指南进行确定。Imagine the bird watcher who spots a rare woodpecker and immediately buries his nose in his bird ID handbook to confirm the find.

如果你是一个电视迷,那么我可以保证你的灵活性在几周内就会得到很大的提高。You'll feel great and if you're an avid TV watcher I'm pretty confident your flexibility will improve in a matter of a few weeks.