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他们是逃兵吗?Had they fled?

小青年逃了。The youth fled.

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西西拉逃了!Sisera fled onfoot!

他逃进森林。He fled into a forest.

她逃入茫茫夜色中。She fled into the night.

敌人丢盔弃甲地跑了。The enemy fled pellmell.

后来,他逃离这个国家。He later fled the country.

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幸存者逃到了努比亚。The survivors fled to Nubia.

这支部队仓皇溃逃。The troops fled in disorder.

受惊吓的鱼儿逃走了。The frightened fish fled away.

村民们一路疾行,直至正午时分。The villagers fled until noon.

我们一家于1959年逃离了古巴。My family had fled Cuba in 1959.

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云在风前飞驰。The clouds fled before the wind.

动物见到火都跑了。All the animals fled from the fire.

门徒都离开他逃走了。And they all forsook him, and fled.

他仓皇出逃,一路悲歌。He fled in panic, all the way Elegy.

杰森和维婕尔逃到了科洛桑。Jacen and Vergere fled to Coruscant.

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敌人趁黑夜狼狈溃逃。The enemy fled in disorder by night.

他们全从着火的船上逃出。They all fled from the burning ship.

并到上帝那里寻求庇护,祂把他He fled for shelter to God, who mated