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这两位路人在一座法国古堡中就餐。Two people are at a French château.

大海就是伊夫堡的坟场。The sea is the cemetery of the Chateau d'If.

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如何在本栏目中加入古丹妮金牌酒庄联盟?How to add columns in Goldeny Gold Chateau Union?

这,就是张裕爱斐堡北京国际酒庄。This place is Chateau Changyu AFIP Global Beijing.

挨着卢瓦尔河谷城堡群,很近。near the Chateau de La Loire, quite, well, not far.

大宝王子是大宝庄园之副牌酒。Connétable Talbot is the second wine of Chateau Talbot.

美乐和西拉是这个酒庄的代表作。Merlot and Syrash is Chateau Lasogity's signature wines.

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钱伯德城堡隐伏在一座森林的中央。Hidden in the center of a forest is the Chateau Chambord.

他们通常在海边的别墅里消夏。In summer, they usually stay in their chateau by the ocean.

蓓克抗德组织成员到她偏远的乡间别墅藏身。She let members of the Resistance hide in her remote chateau.

我跟踪他来到这座岛上城堡。他将在这里举办宴会。I followed him to this island chateau where he's holding a party.

我点一瓶82年的罗斯柴尔德拉斐堡酒,谢谢。I'd like a bottle of your 1982 chateau Laffite Rothschild, please.

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尚博城堡是欧洲皇冠上的一颗明珠。Le Chateau de Chambord remains one of the jewels in Europe’s crown.

黑皮诺红葡萄酒是一种质感平滑、风味十足的红酒。Château des Charmes Pinot Noir is a smooth, full-flavoured red wine.

大宝庄除了在美度区拥有产业外,有没有收购其他庄园的动向?Does Chateau Talbot buy out any wineries in other areas outside Medoc?

Longueville城堡曾经是大型房地产商Pichon的一部分。Chateau Pichon-Longueville was once a part of the greater Pichon estate.

位置丽都酒店附近,机场高速路上,和乔丽晶对面。Near Lido Hotel, along the Airport Expressway, opposite Chateau Regency.

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你是在裤袋里藏了瓶古堡拉斐,还是见到我有点儿“性趣”大发?Is That a Chateau Lafitte in Your Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

葡萄酒和巧克力在莱沙托在贝弗利希尔顿品尝酒店房间。Wine and Chocolate tasting room at Le Chateau in The Beverly Hilton Hotel.

狗狗项圈大减价啦!这在“狗狗乐园”时装店里可是别具特色的一道风景。Dog collars for sale are featured at the Chateau Poochie's fashion boutique.