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我爱贺喜。I love Hershey.

赫尔希是我的家乡。Hershey is my hometown.

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他们留在酒店贺喜。They stay at the Hotel Hershey.

费列罗和好时不可能立刻达成收购。Ferrero and Hershey could not be immediately reached.

凯瑟琳赫尔希是病了,她的婚姻生活了。Catherine Hershey was sick for much of her married life.

砰地一声,贺喜往后倒进了桶内。Bump. Clunk. Ker-plop! Hershey fell backward into the vat.

我决定用古老的“贺喜”矢量字体。My age I decided to use the venerable "Hershey" vector fonts.

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赫尔希医生用三联疗法来治疗儿童病人。Dr. Hershey treats pediatric patients with a three-pronged approach.

Hershey和Blanchard识别了四种不同的“追随准备度”状态。Hershey and Blanchard identified four different states of "readiness to follow".

“他是一个与众不同的孩子,从头至尾都比别人更加积极和乐观,”赫尔希医生说。“He was a different kid, more active and happy all the time, ” said Dr. Hershey.

分析师说,好时食品可能锺情于巧克力和糖果品牌。Hershey could make a run for the chocolate and confectionery brands, analysts say.

雀巢拒绝在周日做出评论。费列罗和好时不可能立刻达成收购。Nestle declined to comment on Sunday. Ferrero and Hershey could not be immediately reached.

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其它的可能是,卡夫会提高报价,或是好时和费列罗会加入争夺。Alternatively, Kraft may raise its offer or Hershey and Ferrero may get drawn into the contest.

“哈利”•瑞斯于1928年开始制造裹着贺喜巧克力的花生酱圆杯巧克力。H. B. "Harry" Reese started making peanut butter cups covered with Hershey 's chocolate in 1928.

春风贺喜无言语,排比花枝满校园,平安夜活动现在开始。Hershey spring without words, the full parallelism flowers on campus, now on Christmas Eve activities.

Hershey和Blanchard为每一种追随者取向分别指出了一种有用的领导风格。For each of the four follower orientations, Hershey and Blanchard identify a different style of leadership as useful.

但贺喜并不满足,他开始对巧克力进行试验,并在1900年成功地卖出他的第一个条形巧克力。But Hershey was not content. He began experimenting with chocolate and managed to sell his first chocolate bars in 1900.

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未立即联系到好时信托高层对此予以置评.好时、卡夫和吉百利亦谢绝置评.Officials for the Hershey Trust were not immediately available for comment. Hershey, Kraft and Cadbury declined to comment.

就像是巧克力博物馆里所说的,米尔顿·赫尔希是众多诚实聪明,敢于献身的美国人之一,是他们使美国变得更加伟大。As the chocolate museum makes clear, Milton S Hershey was one of many honest, smart, dedicated people who made America great.

从玛丽奶奶家二楼的后阳台,可以看到巨大的贺喜巧克力工厂那两根高塔般的烟囱。From Grandma Mary's second-story back porch, you can see the two towering chimneys of the giant Hershey 's chocolate factory.