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你指旅行还是痘子?The trip or the pimple?- Both.

添加点到你的脸,疙瘩FacePaint。Add spots to your face with Pimple FacePaint.

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在痘痘上点涂牙膏能不能治好它?Will dotting toothpaste on a pimple get rid of it?

连做我祖母脸上的一个疙瘩都不配!You wouldn't make a pimple on my grandmother's tush!

我的癌刚开始时也只是乳晕上的一个小红痘。Mine started out as a single red pimple on the aureola.

白及胶TPU的发现一个疙瘩结构的最终解决方案。Final solution found in white and adhesive TPU with a pimple structure.

有时,保持默默无闻比让人恨你要好得多。Sometimes, it is better to remain unknown than to make pimple hate you.

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我以前也有耶,但自从我用了满停洁面乳,小红疙瘩都不见了。I used to have, but since I used full stop Cleanser , red pimple is gone.

高凤来到老疙瘩坟前祭奠,她决定替他报仇。To an old pimple Gao Fenglai grave festivals, she decided to revenge him.

以前每次来例假时前额部都要出一些黑头粉刺,现在再也没有了。I don't have pimple on my forehead anymore everytime before I have my period.

今天我试着往粉刺上涂牙膏看看能不能好得快一些。Today, I was trying to apply some toothpaste on my pimple to help dry it out.

在那之前,只能继续期待青春痘爆发提前结束。Until then, expect pre-prom pimple conniptions to continue. —Katherine Harmon

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贾小枪带人上山入伙,老疙瘩表示欢迎。Jia small gun take people up the hill to the partnership, welcome an old pimple.

发明自己又多了多少条皱纹,又重了几斤,或是鼻子上冒出了一个大包。find some new wrinkles, put on a little weight, or get a huge pimple on your nose.

如果这些离皮肤表面很近,那么肿块就会变成丘疹。If this happens close to the skin's surface, then the bump usually becomes a pimple.

毛孔小了、细纹平了,连痘痘也不再长了。My pores look smaller, fine lines seem to be smoothing and I have not had one pimple.

愚钝肌肤一换季的时分都会几有些过敏,就会起一些红疙瘩。The hours of dull skin are a few some seasonal allergies, it will play some red pimple.

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因此,如果在你吃了根巧克力棒以后就有小痘痘跑到你脸上的话,那它们之间一定没有任何关系!Therefore, if a pimple suddenly appears after you eat a chocolate bar, there is no relation!

医生说婆婆舌下的小疙瘩无碍,多喝水就行了。The doctor said she sublingual small pimple without problems, drink plenty of water on the line.

治疗丘疹的产品和其他药物一起使用可以使患者的疗法更加简单。Pimple products in the pipeline combine several medicines to make regimens easier on the patient.