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是的,甚至比尤文还强大。Yes, even stronger than Juve.

但是我们什么时候会更强大呢?But when shall we be stronger?

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胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人To the stronger and faster man

马比羊强壮。Horses are stronger than sheep.

留下或证明你们更强。Stay with us or prove stronger.

甚至千倍。Maybe a thousand times stronger.

我感觉到风刮得更大了。I felt the wind getting stronger.

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质量越大,引力越强。More mass means stronger gravity.

感谢它会让你变得更强壮。Thank it for making you stronger.

我们变得日益坚强,更臻完美。We're stronger and we are better.

你看起来髙了和强壮了。You look taller and stronger now.

你将会看到,能量传递活动变得很强。You see much stronger convection.

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留下或证明你们更强“"Stay with us or prove stronger."

要站立起来,更加坚强。I have to stand up to be stronger.

那么你一定比我们强壮。Then you must be stronger than us.

拼搏会使我们变得更加强大。The struggle will make us stronger.

风变得更猛烈了。The wind becomes a little stronger.

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等你的小翅膀变得有力。Till thy little limbs are stronger.

等你的小翅膀变得有力。Till thy little wings are stronger.

这个力可能变得更大Maybe the force is getting stronger.