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他抽烟吗?Boes he smoke?

我烟抽得很厉害。I smoke a lot.

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我抽烟您介意吗?Mind if I smoke?

吸烟让我放松.Smoke relaxes me.

我能借支烟吗?Can I bum a smoke?

你抽烟抽得多吗?Do you smoke much?

使用防烟警报。Use a smoke alarm.

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排烟系统。Smoke removal system.

烟雾污染了空气。Smoke dirtied the air.

不介意我抽根烟吧?Do you mind if I smoke?

他以前吸烟吸得很凶。He used to smoke a lot.

他过去吸烟吸得很凶。He used to smoke a lot.

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我从前常抽烟斗。I used to smoke a pipe.

烟盘旋上升。The smoke spiralled up.

你不来支烟吗?Won't you have a smoke?

竹篱烟锁。Bamboo Fence smoke lock.

清洁抽油烟机。Clean smoke fan filters.

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多吃点,少抽点。Eat more and smoke less.

我真想抽一口烟。I'm gasping for a smoke.

你应该抽这么多烟吗?Ought you smoke so much?