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申诉人有机会正式呈现它的案例。The appellant have the opportunity to present the case.

因此驳回上诉人谢金国等45人的起诉。Thus dismissed, the appellant would rank 45 indictments.

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如前所述财产是托交上诉人管理的。Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.

鉴于财产是为上诉人托管的。Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant.

上诉人可以根据被上诉人的摘要递交最后的回应摘要。The appellant may file a final reply brief to the appellee's brief.

上诉人还应被告知可进一步上诉的任何权利。The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal.

并应将进一步上诉的任何权利通知上诉人。The appellant shall also be informed of any rights of further appeal.

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二参加人与本诉愿之利害关系。The interest at stake of the intervenor appellant and the administrative appeal.

对减轻责任这个问题,上诉人未就任何论据进行争辨。On the issue of diminished responsibility none of the facts were disputed by the appellant.

第31条诉愿决定对于参加人亦有效力。Article 31 An administrative appeal decision has also effects upon the intervenor appellant.

从上述事实我们可以看出,上诉人试图使用社区大楼作为村政厅之用。We find on the above facts that the Appellant intended to use the community hall as a village hall.

在这种情况下,委员会可考虑上诉人向委员会所呈交的书面陈词。In such case, the Board may consider the written submissions as the appellant may submit to the Board.

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死者给上诉人三张不同款目的支票,并且其兑现了资金到位的支票。The decedent gave appellant three checks in various amounts, which she cashed for what funds were available.

上诉人质疑法院判决其就诉争土地的权益为可终止完全所有权。Appellant objected to the court's holding that his interest in the disputed tract of land was a fee simple determinable.

每一诉愿人或参加人委任之诉愿代理人不得超过三人。There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant.

人民法院应当在收到答辩状之日起五日内将副本送达上诉人。The people's court shall, within five days from receiving the motion defense, deliver the copies of the motion of defense to the appellant.

第68条诉愿人或参加人得提出证据书类或证物。Article 68 The administrative appellant or intervenor appellant may present the documentary evidence or other evidence during the procedure.

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人民法院审理对判决的上诉案件,应当在第二审立案之日起三个月内审结。The people's court shall complete handling resolved appellant cases within three months after they have been placed on files for second instance.

当未能确定其对该支票权利时,上诉人要求复查判决其没有资格获得支票款项的判决。Appellant sought review of a ruling that she was not entitled to the check proceeds as she had failed to establish that she was entitled to any of the checks.

进行聆讯时,上诉人通常可选择不宣誓作供或宣誓下作供以支持其上诉。An appellant is usually given a choice at the hearing of either making an unsworn statement or alternatively giving evidence on oath in support of this appeal.