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慌张无聊的音乐。Sappy boring music.

这是一首多愁善感的歌。It's a sappy song in word.

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我写了这首相当花痴的爱情歌曲。I wrote this sappy love song.

显著多汁液看灰色的眼睛在她微笑。Remarkably sappy looking gray eyes smiled at her.

我们喜欢在约会时刻表上多些花样。We love when you add something sappy to the schedule.

可能这一天你们会在美容沙龙度过,或者是看了一部催人泪下的言情片。Maybe it is a day at the salon or a sappy chick-flick.

这真是一首烂歌,你怎么会听这样的靡靡之音呢?This is such a stupid song. How can you listen to sappy music like this?

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有一个部落的人燃点松树的薄垫片来照亮他那个被煤烟熏黑了的家。One tribal man lights his soot-blackened home by burning shims of sappy pine.

而在20、21岁时就积极考虑结婚问题的人则显得很愚蠢。Actively considering marriage when you're 20 or 21 seems so sappy and so unsexy.

然后,它坐在它们当中,面带甜蜜的傻笑瞧着我。Then he sat down in the middle of them and looked up at me with a sweet, sappy grin on his face.

第10首“空谷”可能是你所听过的最悲伤的歌曲之一,但绝非单纯用来赚人眼泪的那种老套情歌。Track 10 "Empty Valley" may be one of the saddest songs you'll ever hear, but not in a sappy tear-jerker sort of way.

他从来不抱怨你看什么电视频道,哪怕你一周放三次同一部通俗电影。He never complains about what you want to watch on television, even if it's the same sappy movie for the third time this week.

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詹金斯的天生冷漠抵消了里查德这个多愁善感的家伙的浮夸,但尽管如此,这个角色还是神秘且带侵略性的。Jenkins' natural dryness balances some of the sappy stuff Richard spouts, but even so, the character is mysteriously invasive.

你可能正在听广播,听到一首爱情歌曲,歌词非常动人——“和你在一起,我快乐极了,让我们永远在一起吧”。You may be listening to the radio and hear a love song with sappy “oh-I’m-so-happy-to-have-you-let’s-stay-together-forever” lyrics.

现代人读这本书,往往会从中得到,主日学校煽情的答案。Modern people have just come to think that when you read this book you're supposed to get Sunday school type sappy answers out of it.

她抱怨化学辽法的消弱作用,不守约的保险公司,和最大胆的“愚蠢的粉色丝带”。She complained about thedebilitatingeffects of chemotherapy, recalcitrant insurance companies and, most daringly, "sappy pink ribbons".

如果你感到抑郁,想呆在家里,吃巧克力、看低级趣味的电影,那么反向行为就可以是和朋友一起出去。If you feel depressed and want to stay in, eat chocolate and watch a sappy movie, doing the opposite could mean going out with your friends.

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古怪的宗教信仰。慌张无聊的音乐。可悲的企图说服自己优势与印第安人有些许的联系。Oddball religions. Sappy boring music. Pathetic attempts to convince oneself of the superiority of anything connected with Indians. Non-Western medicine.

毕竟,除了在迪士尼电影里有滑稽可爱造型的大象,哪里还有别的动物家长给自己的新出生的孩子一一地起昵称呢?After all, outside of sappy Disney movies involving comically deformed elephants, what other animal parent takes the time to give each of its newborn members its own permanent moniker?