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你们应当颂赞耶和华。Bless ye the LORD.

公主奥利夫殿下!Ye Princess Olive!

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叶亚来?他是谁啊?Ye Ya Lai? Who is he?

叶先生是个诚实的人。Mr. Ye is an honest man.

汝等若口渴,就喝。If ye are thirsty, drink.

你为什么不说话啊,伊茨?Why don't ye speak, Izz?'

这么说,你是个艺术家啰,是吗?So, youre an artist, are ye?

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你在这儿胡说什么呀!What nonsense be ye talking!

因为你们将要哀恸哭泣。for ye shall mourn and weep.

故用叶嘉先生做为店名。Mr. Ye Jia is used as a name.

不久,妻子谢烨伤重不治。Soon, his wife Xie Ye killed.

当你们把酒杯斟满。When ye the cups were fillin.

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烨谁看这里有得天独厚。Ye who read here are blessed.

精灵和人类的群众啊!O ye assembly of Jinns and men!

管家大爷笑眯眯的说。The maid big Ye smilingly says.

你们是行你们父所行的事。Ye do the deeds of your father.

来战斗吧,你们这些家伙!Come out and fight ye wee ninny!

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嗯,可能更糟,你知道的。Meh. It could be worse, ye know.

康沃尔的男人稳稳地站着。Men of Cornwall stand ye steady.

你们曾经做出什么努力来超越人呢?What have ye done to surpass man?