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后来,海参加并赢得了一场三轮黄包车比赛。And then, Hai enters a cyclo race, and wins.

人们要雇速度更快的轿车,因为他们认为人力车太慢”。People want to use faster vehicles because they think the cyclo is slow.

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刚度是正确的,但它不会是不够的赛车或循环良好填充。Stiffness is correct but it will not be enough for a racer or a cyclo well padded.

结论睫状体及周边视网膜冷凝术是治疗晚期新生血管性青光眼的一种有效方法。Conclusion It is effective to perform cyclo and peripheral retinal cryotherapy in late NVG.

“人们怜悯这些人力车夫”,人力车夫中心的一位项目主管义姆·萨巴斯表示。“People take pity on the cyclo drivers, ” says Im Sambath, a project officer with the Cyclo Center.

目的评价睫状体及周边视网膜冷凝术治疗新生血管性青光眼的效果。Objective To observe the effect of neovascular glaucoma treated by cyclo and peripheral retinal cryotherapy.

因此,复合齿形的摆线齿轮传动较原齿形的摆针传动效率高、承载能力大。Therefore the large reduction ratio's cyclo drive has higher efficiency and larger capacity than the common form of teeth.

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就在司机在路沿边上喘息的功夫,车辆在他身边几英寸外呼啸而去,这名男子的人力车被迅速甩在身后。Huffing and puffing in the curb lane, traffic whizzing by just inches away, the man pedaling the cyclo is quickly left behind.

而如今,据一个旨在帮助这些贫穷车夫的组织统计,只有不到一千五百人仍在从事这项工作。Today there are fewer than 1, 500 cyclos here, according to a local advocacy group that helps the often-impoverished cyclo drivers.

除非有特别的声明,在公路,场地和自行车越野赛中,要符合下列技术规格。Except where stated to the contrary, the following technical specifications shall apply to bicycles use in Road, Track and Cyclo -Cross racing.

当“环”这个前缀出现时我们就知道这个烷烃的分子结构不同于普通链状烷烃,他是环装的,因此也有着更高的熔点。That cyclo prefix means that unlike standard alkanes, which come in chains, this one's a ring. The shape gives cycloalkanes a higher melting point.

干气密封由旋转环、静环、弹簧、密封圈以及弹簧座和轴套组成。Dry air hermetic sealing from revolution cyclo -, stat cyclo -, spring coil, hermetic sealing ring and spring coil mount and axis set constitutive enzyme.

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计算了链烷烃、环烷烃、烯烃、芳烃和酮等共48种非极性及弱极性纯流体的汽液平衡,并计算了10个二元混合流体的汽液平衡,结果令人满意。The VLE of 48 pure alkanes, cyclo alkanes, olefins, aromatics, and ketones as well as 10 binary systems were calculated, and the results are satisfactory.

的确如此,走在将这座城市一分为二的主干道——莫尼翁大道上,这部人力车被一辆辆形色各异的摩托车、卡车和崭新的小客车超越。Indeed, wheeling down Monivong Boulevard, a main thoroughfare that bisects the city, a cyclo is passed by a swarm of motorcycles, trucks, and flashy new cars.

提出一种在平稳随机噪声中检测暂态信号的循环双谱切片方法,同时给出仿真结果。The method of detection on transient signal by the slice of cyclo bispectrum in stationary random noise is proposed in this paper, simulation results are presented also.

随石墨添加量的增加,电池的首次充放电容量和效率有所减小,三次循环后充放电效率趋于一致。It was found that, with the graphite content increasing, the discharge capacity and efficiency decreased during the first cycle, after the third cyclo efficiencies tend to the same value.

利用各源信号之间的统计独立性和通信信号的循环平稳性,提出了一种适合于分布式天线接收的混合通信信号盲分离的思想和实现方法。Based on the statistic independence of sources and the cyclo stationarity of communication signals, an idea and approach to separate the mixed signals received by distributed antennas is proposed.