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这是一个骗局。It was a trick.

搞鬼或招待!Trick or treat!

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这都是骗人的鬼把戏。It is all a trick.

那是个聪明的鬼把戏。That's a cute trick.

这个小把戏很棒。This trick is awesome.

他们没想到这只不过是微软玩的一个小把戏。But that was the trick.

英雄联盟有全图吗想看帽子戏法么?Want to see a hat trick?

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为什么戏法能变出来?Why does the trick work?

最后一个是个小把戏。That last one was a trick.

这个伎俩屡试不爽。That always does the trick.

你的诡计已暴露无遗了。Your trick has been opened.

他这钱是骗来的。He got the money by a trick.

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我就知道这一招儿挺灵的。I knew the trick would work.

它有什么特别之处吗What's the extra trick here?

猫—我只知道一个方法。CAT -- I know only one trick.

是谁唆使你玩这种把戏的?Who put you up to this trick?

不给糖果就捣乱。给我面包片。Trick or treat! Give me toast.

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不给糖就捣蛋!闻我的臭脚!Trick or treat! Smell my feet.

捣蛋还是给糖,闻闻我的脚丫子。Trick or treat , smell my feet.

不要对我耍卑劣的手段。Don't play a shabby trick on me.