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只说了大概一万遍。Only about a billion times.

中国有十三亿人口。China has 1.3 billion people.

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我们有过十亿人。We have over one billion people.

10亿人在户外排便。Some 1 billion defecate outdoors.

人脑约有一兆亿个神经元。Our brain has 100 billion neurons.

动物的寿命大约是十亿次心跳的时间。A lifespan is a billion heartbeats.

二十亿人营养不良。And, two billion were malnourished.

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及时一秒胜过事后九亿秒。A Stitch in Time Saves Nine Billion.

养老金缺口总额近9700亿美元。It totals nearly 97 billion dollars.

到2045年,这个数字将上升到90亿。By 2045 it could grow to nine billion.

中国有十三亿人口。There are 1.3 billion people in China.

到2000年,它已经达到了13亿吨标煤。By 2000, it had reached 1.3 billion tce.

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从十亿光年到零点一费米。From 1 billion light-years to 0.1 fermi.

印度是十亿咖喱食用者的家乡。India, home to one billion curry eaters.

世界上有六十亿人口。There are 6 billion people in the world.

而我们,却可以募集足足5000亿。Instead of that, we could have 500 billion.

地狱钟鸣,他们有数十亿!And hell's bells, there are a billion of them!

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在法国,他却是“五十亿天才神童”。In France, he's the " five billion whizz-kid".

此前的估计是713.6亿卢比。The earlier estimate was 71.36 billion rupees.

20亿美元基金是世行一揽子战略的组成部分Billion Facility Part of Multi-Pronged Strategy