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这或许将仅仅是科幻小说,但也可能是Google现实的长期超级计划。This may either be science fiction or Google's actual long-term masterplan.

设计延续城市景观“梨乡水城”的总体规划目标,构筑“西园东水”的城市景观空间。The target of masterplan is doing the extension of cityscape that the 'Pear-water Country'.

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工作室移位和园林建筑师西南铝集团的总体规划设计的发展的领域。Studio Shift and landscape architects SWA Group designed the masterplan for the developing area.

扎哈哈迪德的奥运村开猎人总体规划上的一个点东河瞬息万变的未来。Zaha Hadid's Olympic Village Masterplan opens Hunters Point to a rapidly changing future on the East River.

探讨最优线性规划法对土地利用总体规划的适用性。The paper enquires into the applicability of the optimum linear plan method to masterplan for land utilization.

谈到车队的和谐,幸运的是梅赛德斯的初衷就是打造一支超级国家队,而尼克罗斯伯格这位芬兰传奇车手科克的儿子恰恰是个德国人。Luckily for Mercedes' masterplan for a national super team, Nico Rosberg, son of legendary Finnish driver Keke, is actually German.

我们认为,总体具有相同的遗传潜力,消瘦和产妇性状与补充层面上的增长。We feel that MASTERPLAN has the same genetic potential for leanness and maternal traits with the added dimension of superior growth.

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项目设计理念就像是用手触摸水,每个手指代表土地伸向河流的延伸部分。The main masterplan concept is symbolised by a hand touching the water, each finger represents a tongue of land reaching towards the river.

该设计是一座考虑周到的环境智能型建筑,它将周围的葱郁和宽敞的景色和谐地融为一体。The masterplan is for a discreet and environmentally intelligent architecture that blends harmoniously with the lush and extensive landscape.

让希拉里克林顿领导一个不易管理的、秘密的特别工作组,试图成为有能力的议员,却成为了一个意外破产的总体规划。Putting Hillary Clinton in charge of an unwieldy, secretive task-force that attempted to present powerful senators with a masterplan backfired.

根据城市总体规划,为与周边街道景观和谐统一,建筑设置为六或七层的体量,分散在景观庭院之中。The overall scheme references the masterplan of the surrounding streetscape, with buildings of six or seven storeys arranged around planted courtyards.

在城市高度来看,总图意在使其更环保和可持续发展,城镇中心的认知感和多样感都会增加。On an urban level the masterplan aims at a more sustainable form of development by densifying the town centre and adding identity and diversity to the site.

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这幢建筑是奥伯里城市规划的一部分,规划内容包括了在一处拥有一个新的公共广场和城市景观的地点,集成一系列的文化设施。The building is part of an overall masterplan by the City of Albury which integrates a number of cultural facilities on the site with a new pubic square and landscape.

当奥林匹亚和约克公司的开发商们精心设计具有两次世界大战间美国古典风格的总体规划时,仓库的遗迹也得以保存。Instead, the historic warehouses were preserved while the Olympia & York developers crafted a masterplan that owed much to the Beaux Arts tradition of US interwar styling.

然而事实是长时间的推迟看来是无可避免的了,只能在爆炸废墟的原始平面图上留下两个巨大的像丢失的牙齿一样的裂口了。But the truth is that prolonged delay seems inevitable for the British-designed towers, leaving two huge gaps in the original masterplan for Ground Zero like missing teeth.

可持续的设计原则是建筑方法的核心,要确保设计不仅高效利用能源,还要有助于恢复景观。Sustainable design principles are at the heart of the architectural approach, ensuring that the masterplan is not only energy efficient, but also helps regenerate the landscape.

OMA的总体规划是一系列的四个圆形区域沿着与HIA跑道平行的中轴排列,旨在营造强烈的视觉标识和具有独特特点的地区。OMA's masterplan is a series of four circular districts along a spine parallel to the HIA runways, intended to create a strong visual identity and districts with unique identities.

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新大楼将遵守学院的发展愿景,并与既有庭院保持一致性,同时也配合了圣安东尼学院雄心勃勃的ADP的总体规划。The new building will comply with the College's vision for growth and add formal coherence to the existing quad, and tie in with the ambitious ADP's masterplan for St. Antony's college.

具有高比例蓝绿措施和较小管道尺寸的规划方案拥有更高质量的开放空间,低投入和更灵活的缓解措施。The masterplan with the highest concentration of Blue-Green Tools and reduced pipe sizes results in higher quality open spaces, lower investment costs, and more flexible mitigation strategies.

他那恶毒且相当复杂的全盘策划,便不可避免地要借由可怕的绿色氪星碎片来加以推动,而帕克•波西扮演的情妇对于他的癫狂的那种愚蠢的取笑方式则制造了不少笑料。His diabolic and rather complicated masterplan is, inevitably, fuelled by shards of that dreaded green kryptonite, while Parker Posey's moll makes delightfully dimwitted fun of his megalomania.