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他的叛变活动使他受到军法审判。His traitorous activity got him court-martialed.

她对爱情的表达是大胆的、叛逆的。Her expressions towards love were bold and traitorous.

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所有的叛徒及叛徒集团都没好下场。All traitorous persons and cliques came to no good end.

你是个叛逆的杂种,就该死在那野蛮的畜生身边!You're a traitorous mongrel who deserves to die right beside that inhuman beast!

艾萨罗在一场僧侣的战争中以叛徒的角色被惩罚至灵界。Ezalor was punished to the spirit realm for his traitorous role in the War of the Magi.

另一个是以杀害父亲的嫌疑被叛逆了死刑的男人。Another is the suspicion with killing father by traitorous the man of capital punishment.

我们现在特地在你们的头衔上加上卖国二字,你们应当承认了。We have now deliberately added the word "traitorous" to your title, and you ought to accept it.

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达赖喇嘛在国际舞台上,不断从事分裂祖国的活动。Dalailama, on the world stage, has been engaged in the traitorous activities in an attempt to split China.

全世界帝国主义和中国蒋介石反动集团的统治,已经腐烂,没有前途。The traitorous Chiang Kai-shek clique and its master, U. S. imperialism, have wrongly appraised the situation.

那些心怀叛以致不肯相信的人,至少也应该知趣一些,不要开口呀!And those who were so traitorous as not to believe should, at least, have the decency to keep their mouths shut.

在叛徒维婕尔的帮助下,杰森成功越狱。在已被遇战疯人征服的科洛桑,他躲进了植被疯长的野外。Aided by the traitorous Vergere, Jacen escaped his captivity into the overgrown wilds of the Yuuzhan Vong-conquered Coruscant.

这条执行命令由科洛桑的最高议长发布,把塞库拉视为国家的叛徒。The executive command, originating from the Supreme Chancellor on Coruscant, identified Secura as a traitorous enemy of the state.

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这个由反英卖国低级人渣组成的政府宁可把我们的钱都送给腐败国家,欧盟和第三世界的人渣!The traitorous anti British low life scum of government prefer to give our money to corrrupt countries, the EU and third world scum!

然而,所有这些王子,都在写给法老的信中互相诽谤对方。对有关叛国的意图上,都保护自己的清白。All these princes, however, maligned each other in their letters to the Pharaoh, and protested their own innocence of traitorous intentions.

他们利用媒体大肆进行宣传,让人们普遍认同日本侵略者的烧杀抢掠,以及美帝国主义的背信弃义--这些作为“叛徒”--南朝鲜的友军给朝鲜带来的巨大威胁。The regime’s propaganda inspires fear of dire threats from predatory Japanese and perfidious Americans, who are aided by traitorous South Koreans.

虽然最后共和国胜利地终结了邦联在这颗星球的阴谋,但兰齐希斯却被绝地叛徒索拉·巴尔克所杀害。Though the Republic was ultimately victorious in stopping the Confederacy plot on the planet, Rancisis was killed by the traitorous Jedi Sora Bulq.

西班牙的叛逆贵族起草文书,腓力签字,正式对外宣称胡安娜精神分裂,无能力管国家。Traitorous political Spanish nobles had drawn up a document that Philip signed, resulting in Juana being proclaimed insane and incompetent to rule.

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毕竟,是阿旦向莱昂纳斯透露了来到暴风城的暗夜精灵大使——莱库斯的堕落及其涉及部落的叛变的信息。After all, it was Ardan who tipped off Leonus to the corruption of the Night Elf Ambassador to Stormwind, Laaikus and his traitorous dealings with the Horde.

孟初夏意外失业,儿子孟响正值叛逆期,但她不畏跌倒,笑迎坎坷。Accident of the summer at the beginning of the first month is unemployed, son Meng Xiang is worth traitorous period, but she not Wei falls, laugh greet twist.

情报专家说,这个双重间谍为国家安全造成了“极为严重的”损害。Hanssen's behavior " the most traitorous actions imaginable" and intelligence experts say the double agent did " extremely grave" damage to national security.