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别把我挤出人行道外。Don't elbow me off the sideway.

只有一条路通向这个村庄,没有旁路。There is only one way to the village. No sideway.

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难道你没发现你自己也是横着爬的吗?Didn't you know you were walking sideway as well ?

昨日指数继续在水平阻力位下方盘整。S&P continues basing sideway just beneath resistance.

当我们走在街上的时候,我们必须走人行道。When we walk in the street, we must walk in the sideway.

恰如我们所料,昨天标普继续在支撑附近横向运行。As anticipated, the index continues basing sideway near support.

道指继续在12750点的关键阻力位下方整固。The index continues basing sideway right beneath key resistance at 12750.

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银行指数继续在32.60美元的关键阻力下方横向整理。The BKX continues basing sideway below key resistance around the 32.60 level.

您也可以在自顶向下或自底向上方法中嵌入旁路方法。You could also embed the sideway approach within the top-down or bottom-up approach.

目前油价继续在高点附近盘整,并慢慢走出严重超买的局面。Price continues basing sideway near high as it works off the extreme overbought condition.

在路面横向力系数测试过程中,路面颠簸会对测试数据产生很大影响。The road bump has great influence on the sideway force coefficient during the test of SFC.

在随后的过程中,由于单个畴间的能量差异致使横向生长再次启动。In the course of heat-treat the difference in energy in individual domain enhanced and the sideway growth regained.

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恰如我们所料,指数在上周五大幅下挫之后走出一波横向震荡行情。As expected, the index is chopping sideway with a bearish bias on the face of Friday's massive break to the downside.

尾巴有力的侧面划动,可在必要时,以非常快的速度推进身体。Powerful sideway sculling movements of the tail can propel it through the water at considerable speed when necessary.

因此产生了基于旁路方式获取网络日志,并进行信息过滤的系统。Therefore, we developed the information filtering system which can filter the web log collected through sideway mode.

这个空间设计的关键概念是这些悬挂着的房间是用悬挂着的桥和边侧的走廊连接起来的。The key design concept of the space is that the suspended rooms are connected with suspended bridges and sideway aisles.

旁路角度假定要添加的组件将可以与现有的组件顺利地交互。The sideway perspective assumes that components to be added will interoperate with existing ones with no problems or issues.

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例如,通过将旁路方法嵌入到自顶向下方法,接着嵌入到自底向上方法,您可以做到这一点。You do this by embedding, for example, the sideway approach within the top-down approach and in turn, the bottom-up approach.

我的摊子是当时最大的,所有猪笼草爱好者都知道我的摊位,我贩售30种以上的猪笼草。My sideway shop was the biggest one at that time. Every Nep. enthusiasts knew my shop. I sold more than 30 types of Nepenthes.

上个赛季他们已经错失了总冠军了,我看不出有任何理由他们会让今年的总冠军旁落他家。Last season they have missed the championship, I do not see any reason that they will allow this year's championship sideway his home.