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我们将制胜之球送给了巴勒莫。We gifted Palermo the winning goal.

帕拉莫有个不错的开始,并且也会最终保持在那儿。Palermo have started well and will be there at the end.

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然后一场禁噻使他错过了去巴勒莫的行程。Then a one-game suspension to miss the trip to Palermo.

巴勒莫前锋卢卡·托尼也首次被征召。The Palermo forward Luca Toni got his first call up, too.

帕勒莫的特点似乎更适合我。Palermo seems the most appropriate place including its character.

巴勒莫和南部城市巴里也不甘落后地表示了申办意愿。Palermo and rumblings of a proposal from southern city Bari followed.

说来说去问题就在于我本人目前正同巴勒莫新音出来的野心家闹矛盾。In any case I'm having my own troubles with the young Turks in Palermo.

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我当时是在泊莱墨公园里,坐在一张有树荫遮蔽的长椅上看报纸。I was sitting on a tree-shaded bench in Palermo Park, reading the paper.

意大利安莎通讯社说,巴勒莫法院判定甘比诺有“逃跑倾向”。Italy, ANSA said the Palermo court found Gambino a "tendency to escape."

那一刻所有教堂的钟声在巴勒莫开始响丧钟。At that moment all the church bells in Palermo began to ring for Vespers.

就在刚刚过去的周四,这位巴西人透露他可能会继续留在帕勒莫。It was only on Thursday that the Brazilian revealed he may stay on at Palermo.

帕勒莫前锋卡瓦尼承认渴望为尤文效力的野心。Palermo striker Edinson Cavani admits he has ambitions of playing for Juventus.

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拉齐奥和巴勒莫仍然在为斯蒂芬·马金瓦进行谈判。Lazio and Palermo are still locked in negotiations over striker Stephen Makinwa.

芭勒莫在上半场踢的不错,但是我们对于我们所创造出的机会只完成了一点。Palermo played well in the first half, but we completed little of what we created.

尤文正筹划一个大的转会计划,它使于米兰,终于帕勒莫。Juventus have a big transfer market project, that starts in Milan and ends in Palermo.

到目前为止,尤文已经从帕勒莫引进了阿毛里,还从阿斯顿维拉处免费得到了奥洛夫。梅尔贝里。Juve have already so far snapped up Amauri from Palermo and Olof Mellberg from Aston Villa.

菲奥雷这样看待即将到来的与巴勒莫的比赛。Stefano Fiore sees this way the encounter against Palermo on Sunday afternoon at the Barbera.

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加盟帕勒莫是我着业生涯的一个转折点,因此周日的比赛对我来说有着特别的意义。Palermo represented the turning point in my career, so Sunday's game means a great deal to me.

在去年夏季的转会市场上,帕勒莫击败了巴塞罗那和切尔西这样的俱乐部,签下了扬科维奇。Palermo beat off the likes of Barcelona and Chelsea to sign Jankovic from Mallorca last summer.

帕斯托雷在2009年转会巴勒莫,在30场意甲比赛中取得了10个进球。Pastore moved to Palermo in 2009 and has netted 10 goals in 30 Serie A appearances this season.