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就近没有洗手池?No sink nearby?

水池子堵了。The sink is clogged.

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嘴巴不牢,连大船都沉掉。Loose lips sink ships.

厨房的洗碗盆渗漏。The kitchen sink leaks.

满满一槽的水。A sink brims with water.

他注视著那条船下沈。He beheld the boat sink.

在一次溅落中沉底。Or sink it with a splash.

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泰坦尼克号开始往下沉。The Titanic began to sink.

汤姆的心开始往下沉。Tom's heart began to sink.

小漏洞会使一条船沉没。Little leaks sink the ship.

木头在水中不会沉没。Wood does not sink in water.

我们能在洗涤池里洗东西吗?Can we wash things in a sink?

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这回对他将是成败在此一举。This time he'll sink or swim.

否则,那船没准会沉。Otherwise the boat might sink.

瓷水槽容易清洗。A porcelain sink cleans easily.

而且那个蓝色的洗脸池也很漂亮。And the blue sink is beautiful.

豪厄尔像水槽冲去。Howell rushed over to the sink.

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厨房浴室水槽柜。Kitchen, bathroom sink cabinet.

在生产区域需有洗手池。Sink needed in production area.

锅应该放在洗碗池下面。The pen belongs under the sink.