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为什么人类要“征服和掠夺”地球?Why does humanity "conquer and pillage " earth?

其他东西,他们都会掠夺和抄袭。Everything else, they will just pillage and copy.

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你会抢劫店铺来得到你需要的东西吗?Would you break in a pillage a store for what you needed?

如果我们把西线的军团调到这里,抢劫我们的将换成高斯人。If we pull legions from the west, the Goths will pillage us instead.

肯雅塔和鲁托被指控为烧杀抢掠的暴徒提供策划和资金。Kenyatta and Ruto are accused oforchestrating and funding mobs to kill and pillage.

大多数发达国家和主要西方国家,都有一段不光彩的侵略史。All developped and leading western countries have a ignoble history of invasion and pillage.

聚集三十个哥们儿戴上有角的头盔像维京海盗一样到附近的镇子打劫会被认为是无伤大雅的玩笑。It'd be considered harmless fun to gather 30 friends, put on horned helmets, and go pillage a nearby town.

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知道女人和龙卷风的共性吗?都是在经过一番疯狂之后,掳走了你所有的财物。Do you know the commonness of woman and tornado? They both pillage all your wealth after a bust of madness.

这算不上一次环法旅行,而是我们祖先所谓的“骑马出巡”,不过我们可没有他们当时一路的奸淫和抢掠。This was not so much a Tour de France as what our ancestors used to call a chevauchée, without the rape and pillage.

它是基于西方的军事优势,这使得西方可以掠夺这些地区的资源和财富。It was based on western military dominance which allowed the west to pillage the resources and wealth of these areas.

这些强盗并不想要赎金,他们把船员杀死或是投海,洗劫了船只,用假文件把抢来的货物卖掉。These bandits aren't after ransom, preferring to kill or maroon crews, pillage ships, and sell the cargo under false papers.

苏丹是极少数的例外,那些掠夺祖国的财富的人却被国际上流社会所接纳。With rare exceptions like Sudan, those who pillage their countries' wealth are accepted into the top ends of global society.

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抢劫、抢夺犯罪极大地影响到社会治安形势,使人民群众的安全感迅速下降。Crime of pillage and offense of snatching not only greatly affect social public order but also lower people's sense of security.

虽然以推断出它们希望掠夺这个世界的自然资源,但是在此背后的动机是为了核能。The motive behind this is unclear, though it has been theorised that they wished to pillage our world for its natural resources.

我知道我不会是第一个打劫这个城市的人,但和东印度公司不同,我不准备用鸦片支付。I knew I wouldn’t be the first to pillage this town, but, unlike the British East India Company, I wasn’t planning to pay with opium.

维拉罗萨的员工全部来自国际银行业,因为他离开菲岛银行时,并未带走人才。On his staff, Villarosa has bankers from all across the international banking sector, since he didn't pillage BPI for talent when he left.

抢夺我产业的阿,你们因欢喜快乐,且像踹谷撒欢的母牛犊,又像发嘶声的壮马。Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions.

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历史上,北欧海盗船曾使得斯堪的纳维亚半岛的海盗们能够在欧洲大部分地区登陆、劫掠并顺利撤离,因为当时的其他种类船只都无法追上他们。Viking longboats let Norse warriors land, pillage and plunder large parts of Europe and sail off knowing that no other vessels could catch up.

所有这些片子一起来掠夺和抢劫美国的血汗钱。我们以后会知道这个任命是个巨大的错误,。All these crooks are in bed together to pillage and plunder the USA's hard earned dollars. This appointment is a huge mistake and we all will see.

二十年来所深受的损害、压迫、勒索、掠夺和不公平的对待,一下子达到了最高峰,在一阵粗声粗气的谩骂叫嚣里发泄出来。The sense of wrongs, the injustices, the oppression, extortion, and pillage of twenty years suddenly and found voice in a raucous howl of execration.