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可有新的对话录?A new dialogue?

插入对白。Insert dialogue.

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通过表演加深记忆。To act the dialogue out.

然后,他们开始了对话。Next, they had a dialogue.

自动播放该单元对白。Click to play the dialogue.

对话中包含冲突。Include conflict in dialogue.

请炼习这个对话。Practice the dialogue please.

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戏剧用对话体写。Plays are written in dialogue.

用餐时间是谈话的好时机。Mealtime is a time to dialogue.

⑴通过学习对话达到熟读、理解。The class qi read the dialogue.

对话我是欢迎的。Dialogue is something I welcome.

对话比唱独角戏更好!Dialogue is better than monologue!

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仅仅关注于那个英雄的对白。Focus only on the hero's dialogue.

李利措辞巧妙的对话启发了他。Lyly's witty dialogue inspired him.

那么,什么是电子商务对话呢?So, what is an e-business dialogue?

我们要求和他直接对话。We want a direct dialogue with him.

再次将对话的焦点放在未来的设想上。Re-focus the dialogue on the future.

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现在让我们表演一下示范对话。Now let's act out the model dialogue.

目前让咱们表演一下示范对话。Now let's act away the model dialogue.

朝韩将开启一年来首次对话。Koreas to hold first dialogue in a year.