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日元在回升。The yen is turning up.

我正在变成爷爷吗?Am I turning into Grampa?

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这,便是一切的转折点。That was the turning point.

叶子在变红。The leaves are turning red.

树正在变绿。The trees are turning green.

沱江清流变美酒!Turning Tuo River into wine!

他打转向灯了吗?Did he make a turning signal?

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前脚爪内收或者外撇。Front feet turning in or out.

我会重新做人的。I am turning over a new leaf.

在某种形式上就是打开了他的开关That's sort of turning it on.

在第二个拐弯处右转。Take the second turning right.

汽车转弯前车灯不断闪动。The car winked before turning.

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树叶慢慢地变黄了。The leaves are turning yellow.

这是一个重大的转折点。This is a major turning point.

它被扭弯成一条扭曲的曲线。The act of twisting or turning.

我几乎可以看到吉夫的脑筋在转。I can see Giff’s wheels turning.

安杰见了她,脸色刷地白了。Jack saw her, face turning pale.

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那个女孩正在关水龙头。The gril is turning off the tap.

车轮飞快地转动着。The wheels were turning swiftly.

在第一个路口右转。Turn right at the first turning.