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你喜欢开架的化妆品吗?。Do you like drugstore makeup?

拐角处有一家药铺。There is a drugstore around the corner.

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任何人都可以在杂货店买到。Anyone can walk into a drugstore and buy them.

请拿这个处方去药房抓药。Please take this prescription to the drugstore.

背疼使我跌跌撞撞去药店减轻痛苦。An aching back sent me stumbling to the drugstore for relief.

在发达国家,人们很容易就能在当地的药房买到老花眼镜。In the North, we fix the problem easily at the local drugstore.

当时霍尔顿医生身患癌症,药店由他的妻子在经营。Holton's drugstore. While Dr. Holton had cancer, his wife ran the store.

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章继续作为一名职员在药店工作直至退休。Zhang continued to work at the drugstore as a clerk until his retirement.

他经营药房,周末还经常在爵士乐队中敲鼓。He ran the drugstore and used to play drums with the jazz band on weekends.

中国海王星辰连锁药店也可能会首次公开发行其股票。And coming later this year is a likely IPO for China Nepstar Chain Drugstore.

于是杰克带着一小瓶尿样来到了药店。So Jack deposits a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to the drugstore.

在该家药店旁边一商店,人们挤到商店的电视机前收看震灾细节。Crowds gathered in front of televisions in a shop next to the drugstore for details.

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你可以在杂货店买或在附近的小冲印店买。You can get some at the drugstore or at the little photo printing shop around the corner.

一个雨夜,我走进杂货店,打算买本简装小说睡前催眠用。One rainy night, I went down to the drugstore to get a paperback to read myself to sleep on.

他们的假说是,我在药店浪费掉的那些考虑时间实际上是一种元认知上的错误。Their hypothesis is that my wasted deliberation in the drugstore is a metacognitive mistake.

这也是绝大多数超市里和药店里的新产品不断彻底失败的原因。That's also why the vast majority of new supermarket and drugstore products are total failures.

金丝里安的药是做什么的啊?怎么市面上各大药店没得卖?。Gold- rimmed li of installed drug be what do ah? How are each big on market must drugstore sell?

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我甚至在药店后面的臭气扑鼻的小垃圾堆里寻找香烟盒子。I went so far as to comb a noisome little dump behind the drugstore for empty cigarette cartons.

1998年开始实行的定点医院和定点药店管理也属于管理型医疗。The policy of fixed hospital and drugstore that implemented from 1998 belongs to the managed care.

有很多高端的公司推出的药房品牌的一个例子是兰蔻。There are a lot of high end companies that put out drugstore brands with one example being Lancome.