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他是个散漫的人。He is a discursive person.

拒绝空洞地理想,拒绝不着边际的政治。We refuse empty ideals and discursive politics.

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分析了讨论式组织发展的目标和方法。The purpose and methods of discursive OD were analysed.

对于独立乐而言最根本的是内行的无目的的练习。Fundamental to indie is the discursive practice of the connoisseur.

这再次要求积极商谈的态度和实践。But again, this requires an active and discursive attitude, and practice.

不要把纯粹的体验与其他概念,印象和想法混合在一起。Don't muddy the pure experience with concepts or pictures or discursive thinking.

在一方面,在表演艺术新出现的需求的话语概念的存在。In one side, the emerging of performance art needs the presence of discursive concept.

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这使得我们对艺术的经验变得松弛和散漫。As a result, what we get from art is not an experience but something slack and discursive.

同样有价值的是,从相关的商谈和历史的情境中看待文本。Ii But it is also worthwhile to see a text in relation to relevant discursive and historical contexts.

从18世纪以来,性不断地被煽动成一种普遍化的话语亢奋。Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism.

最近,电子杂志启动通量既是一个话语空间和实际艺术生产基地。Most theently, the e-flux journal was started as both a discursive space and a site for actual art production.

这与约翰福音在同一个世界,用同样的语言,同样的转换主题,同样的神学信仰。We're in the same world,the same linguistic,the same discursive the same theological world as the Gospel of John.

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本文企图经由介入后现代主义及文化研究两者之间的辨论,找寻一个新的论述空间。This essay searches for a new discursive space by engaging the between critical postmodernism and Cultural Studies.

它与帝国主义、殖民主义、国族主义、以及国家机器主义在意识形态结构层次上如何联结?How, in its discursive practices, are imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, and statism articulated on an ideological level?

互联网让新闻变得更具有参与性,社会性,多样性,党派性,它复兴了大众传媒之前那个时代东拉西扯的习性。The internet is making news more participatory, social, diverse and partisan, reviving the discursive ethos of the era before mass media.

这一趋向的形成,与文学所置身的消费文化语境和传媒的话语霸权密切相关。This new trend is closely connected with the context of consumer culture and the discursive hegemony of media in which literature situates itself.

思想只是概念与想像的产物,如果我们没有充分觉知,就会误将它视为智慧。Without full awareness, discursive thoughts will be mistaken as wisdom. In actuality, they are merely the creation of one's conception and imagination.

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它不但跟众所接受的论点相对立,而且违背作为论点基础的整个经济跟所有的论述的「利益」。It not only runs counter to a well-accepted argument, it goes against the whole economy and all the discursive " interests" that underlie this argument.

而话语实践分析则是衔接两头的中枢点,这一部分的分析既是建立在文本分析的基础之上,又成为话语实践分析的有力依托。The discursive discourse analysis is the backbone which is not only based on textual analysis but also the solid basis for the social practice analysis.

因萨特对间断的和偶然的话语事件和实践极为恐惧,就指责福柯拒斥和谋杀了历史。Jean-Paul Sartre was in dumb fear of the discontinuous and contingent discursive events and practice. He accused Foucault of refusing and killing history.