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教养赛过天性。Nurture passes nature.

培养你的天赋和才能。Nurture your gifts and talents.

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滋养并庆祝你的爱情!Nurture and celebrate your love!

在他的培育下这棵树长得很好。The tree grows well in his nurture.

精神病是由于自然或培养?Is psychopathy due to nature or nurture?

与教育相比,它对性格的影响多大?How much is it about nature versus nurture?

好好运用它们来培养信任的氛围。Use them to nurture an atmosphere of trust.

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想不想培养一个健康活泼的学生?Want to nurture a healthy, motivated student?

协助学生掌握自学的能力。To nurture skills and abilities in self-learning.

自己真的要种善根、培养善缘。We need to nurture the good root and opportunities.

大家从今天的博客开始我们一起来养。From today's blog we will start to nurture this child.

蕴育善尽社会责任及服务人群之特质。Nurture a sense of social responsibility and service spirit.

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一部分门徒的培养也被看做是充满了非难和责备。Part of apostolic nurture was seen in rebuke and admonition.

你希望用新的途径培养一个好问的头脑。You want to nurture an inquiring mind with a fresh approach.

道教关注于自然以及人性,儒家则关注于培养。Taoism focuses on nature and Confucianism focuses on nurture.

大学毕业后,他被分配到一个偏远的山村工作。I am a graduating student, I am grateful to nurture my school.

这里有一些内参来帮助促进你们未来的彼此关系。Here are some insider tips to help nurture future interactions.

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先天因素和后天因素加在一起会让人们避开自我放纵。So nature and nurture combine to make us avoid self-indulgence.

它只是一个让我们彼此建立和发展关系的纽带。A. It allows us to create and nurture relationships with others.

作为一个发展中国家,印度怎么养得起13亿人?How could a developing country like India nurture 130 Cr people?