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我烧开水。I boil some water.

那个疮出脓头了。The boil gatherd head.

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给我烧点开水。Boil some water for me.

用大汤锅烧开水。Boil some water in a pot.

泥沸泉沸腾冒泡。Mud pots boil and bubble.

我们把你放进滚烫的油锅!We'll boil you in hot oil!

把水烧开泡茶。Boil the water for the tea.

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别把锅里的水煮乾了。Don't let the pan boil dry.

她什么时候煮鸡蛋了?。When did she boil the eggs?

用水壶烧点水。Boil some water in a kettle.

使水壶里的水保持沸腾。Keep the kettle at the boil.

火腿肉洗净煮熟。Boil the ham until it is done.

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不要让茶壶里面的水烧干。Don't let the kettle boil dry.

开锅需要多长时间?How long does it take to boil?

用热敷布把脓肿包住。Apply hot compresses to a boil.

煮热一壶水。Bring a pot of water to a boil.

我胳臂上长的疖子已成熟可以去脓了。The boil on my arm has ripened.

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然后再次煮沸,如此反复。And boil it again, and so forth.

我胸上的疖子化脓了。The boil on my chest has matured.

你脸上的小疖子已经出脓头了。The boil on your face has headed.