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我们应该在预算中为可能出现的一切情况做好准备。We should provide for every eventuality in the budget.

但他们一致认同,最终很可能会达到那个级别。But they agreed that going to the highest level could be an eventuality.

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聪明的祖马当然会尽全力避免这一情况的发生。The wily Mr Zuma will, of course, do his utmost to avoid such an eventuality.

思考着未来,总是预感到最终糟糕的事情总会无止尽地扩散开去。Projects into the future and anticipating the worst eventuality is widespread.

解雇客户是每个自由设计师迟早要面对的可能发生的事。Firing a client is an eventuality every freelance designer is bound to face sooner or later.

日本副首相菅直人称他已经命令大臣们为不测事件做准备。Japan's Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, said he had ordered ministers to prepare for any eventuality.

印度可以继续相信和平万能,但应该做好面对任何不可测事件的准备。India can continue to believe in the omnipotence of peace, but it should be ready for any eventuality.

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对付小人,必须以智谋击败他每个奸计,包括避开他设下的误导和圈套。A villain allows for every eventuality including deliberately being caught in the act using an assumed name.

他说,因为他和妻子在花钱上很有节制,所以已对这事失业做好了准备。Because he and his wife have always been conservative with money, they were prepared for such an eventuality.

要将潜能发挥到极致,须为任何可能性做好准备。To give yourself the best possible chance of playing to your potential, you must prepare for every eventuality.

资讯科技是根据斡旋了它的不测事,而且组成了它的历史个性的变化被了解。It is to be understood in terms of changes which mediated its eventuality and composed its historical character.

在运输方面,由卖方背书,但如果卖方货款没有收到,货物的所有权将重新转回给卖方。However, in the unfortunate eventuality of non-receipt of payment, the title of the cargo will revert back to Seller.

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无论如何,那种新鲜感、那种情事的质朴自然将不再重来。A second eventuality of the same order is unlikely—in any case the freshness, the artlessness of the event would be lost.

这是俱乐部必须考虑到的偶然因素,因为只要欧文回到最佳状态就可以成为胜利的主宰者。It's an eventuality the club has to take into account because Owen is a match-winner and right back to his very best form.

同等程度的事件发生第二次是不可能的——毕竟这类事件的新鲜感和纯真感将消失不再。A second eventuality of the same order is unlikely – in any case the freshness, the artlessness of the event would be lost.

我们必须做好最坏的打算。”水利救援部长陈雷在一次会议上说。"We must prepare to deal with the worst eventuality , " said Chen Lei, minister of water resources, at a meeting in Sichuan.

太行区就在这样的警惕下,加强了对于经济战线的注意。In the Taihang area, we are guarding against such an eventuality and we are paying particular attention to the economic front.

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但是在一个明天同今天根本不同并且根本无法与昨天相比的时代,最终结果只是一种冷冰冰的安慰罢了。But eventuality can b e cold comfort in an era when tomorrow is radically different from today and unrecognizable compared with yesterday.

你想把每一件事情都列入计划中,并且尽可能地让计划变得简单,但是总有一些不可避免的情况出现,把情况弄得很糟糕,比如流星坠落、水灾、哥斯拉怪兽入侵等等。You try to plan for every eventuality and streamline city planning, but something inevitably goes haywire. Meteors, floods, Godzilla--whatever.

有媒体猜测,除了经济、旅游考虑外,很显然其中不乏应对西南不虞之意。Some media speculated that in addition to economy, tourism considerations, it is clear that there are much more will to prepare eventuality in Southwest.