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艺妓生活在一个严格的母系社会中,妇女占主导地位。The geisha women live in a strictly matriarchal society.Women dominate.

大象的母系族家庭是由其生育的母象和幼象组成的。The matriarchal society consists of her female offspring and their young.

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母系氏族公社时期,人们已经能够在一定的地区长期活动。Matriarchal commune period, people have been able to certain long-term activities.

仰韶文化属于母系氏族公社制繁荣时期的文化。Yangshao culture is matriarchal clan commune system during the cultural prosperity.

在母系氏族社会,人们崇拜孕育新生命的母体。In matriarchal society, peopleopl e worship the pregnant female human being or animals.

我国的农业是从母系氏族社会开始萌芽、发展的。China's agriculture is the matriarchal society from the beginning of embryonic development.

摩梭人说,母系氏族制度有利于减少社会冲突。People living here say the matriarchal system helps reduce conflicts inside their community.

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该邦国当时正处于母系社会时代,并可与周天子分庭抗礼。The country was in matriarchal society at that time and had the power to oppose Zhou Dynasty.

在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate took the role of bridge.

猴子的图片画廊。最后一批草放牧的灵长类动物,埃塞俄比亚的狒狒猴子生活在母系社会。The last of the grass-grazing primates, Ethiopia's gelada monkeys live in matriarchal societies.

最有可能从事这一行业的女孩将会成长在母系神之女奴的群体中。The girls most at risk of being dedicated will have grown up in very matriarchal Devadasi communities.

在母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会转化的过程中,舅权起到了桥梁的作用。In the transition from matriarchal society to clan society Avunculate rises the function of the bridge.

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此种历史文化现象,仅仅用“母系社会残余”来解释,至少是很不够的。We can not explain this historical phenomena only with the theory of "vestiges of matriarchal society".

中国的亚文明时代是从爻号、母系社会、神话时代演变过来的。Chinese sub civilization originates from line in the eight diagrams , matriarchal society and mythology.

汉代皇室的母亲还积极参与政治,汉代母后频频干政从另一方面反映了汉代的母权。Queen mother's engagement in politics in Han Dynasty was a reflection of matriarchal right in that period.

这样的部落居住在中国东南的偏远山区中,以“女儿国”闻名于世的泸沽湖是摩梭族的所在之地,他们是世界上仅存的少数母系社会之一。Lugu, known as the “Country of Women” is home to the Mosuo, one of the few remaining matriarchal societies left in the world.

最后,他惹恼他的家族,成为了母系社会中的一名男性,对他的处罚就是死亡。Eventually, he embarasses his family, and, being a male in a matriarchal society, the penalty for that sort of thing is death.

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杰莱德的神秘起源反映了从母系社会到族长制社会的转变过程。The mythical origin of the Gelede is said to reflect the transformation from a matriarchal society into a patriarchal society.

前者记载炎帝神农时代好像是母系氏族社会,“人知其母,不知其父”。The former record of Yan Emperor Shen Nong era seems to be matriarchal society, "people know his mother, not knowing his father."

大师们,这就是回到母系社会,一个文化和精神能量的高度平衡,被称之为「一的法则」。Masters, it is the return of that matriarchal Society, a culture and spiritual energy of sublime balance, termed the 'Law of One'.