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定义系统结构。Defining the system structure.

这其实是个测试。It's actually defining a test.

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首先我们先解释一下生物群落。Lets start by defining a biome.

幸福难以道明。Defining “happiness” is difficult.

定义标准事件的挂钩。Defining hooks for standard events.

对于“公地”的定义同样关键。Defining the commons is also vital.

再一次,定义软件工程学!Defining software engineering -- again!

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但他也定义了一种学派。But he is also defining a kind of school.

通过定义对象树为请求提供服务Serve a request by defining an object tree

我们在底端定义那个函数。We're defining the function at the bottom.

定义卓越中心的组织架构。Defining of the COE organizational structure.

您可以通过定义一个变量名来扩展它。You can extend it by defining a variable name.

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你可以把那段时间叫做我的决定性时刻。That was what you might call my defining moment.

考虑以下有关定义属性表的考虑因素Consider the following for defining propery sheets

如果可以的话,我想试试看,自己定义一下何谓发言权。I’ll have a shot at defining my own voice if I may.

那真的是绝对主义[确立]的决定性时刻That's really the defining moment in absolute rule.

罗莎莉真正意义上最显著的个人特质是她的美貌。Rosalie's true defining personal trait is her beauty.

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那么,是什么样的人正在为政府的经济观点定调?So who’s defining the administration’s economic views?

在印度“游牧”一词词义也存有争议。Just defining the term "nomad" is problematic in India.

定义一致性的粒度级别是什么?What is the granularity level for defining conformance?