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这是雄鹰们的聚会。A gathering of eagles.

他在搜集情报。He is gathering information.

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风越吹越劲。The wind was gathering strength.

我们收集枯枝生火。Gathering sticks, we made a fire.

仪仗队正在集合。The guard of honour are gathering.

乌云布满苍穹。When clouds gathering in the welkin.

动力聚集在我的周围。Momentum was gathering all around me.

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阴云密布,看来快下暴雨了。The clouds are gathering for a storm.

那是沧州花鸟鱼虫的聚集地。It was the gathering Cangzhou bird fleas.

他们在花园里采花。They are gathering flowers in the garden.

这里是快乐的聚会之所。This is the happy place of the gathering.

主任家的私人聚会。An intimate gathering at the Dena's house.

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采集一朵朵玫瑰,我们歌唱希望。Gathering the roses, we sang for the hope.

露比从不参加政治聚会。Ruby never joined any political gathering.

他一生大部分的时间都用来聚敛钱财。he spent most of his life gathering money.

她正在采集摆放在餐桌上的鲜花。She was gathering flowers for dinner table.

浴火重生的新家园,正汇聚升腾起新的希望。Ashes of new homes, is gathering a new hope.

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是聚会、喜筵、喜庆的理想之处。Is gathering Xiyan, the ideal of jubilation.

该会议将在明年二月份在罗马举行。The gathering will be next February in Rome.

他们正在采集节日用花。They are gathering flowers for the festival.