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采用钢化外罩设计,清洁卫生。Adopt tempering cover, clean and sanitary.

但是单纯的退火是不够的。But tempering alone is usually not enough.

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是玻璃钢化技术的一次革命。It is a revolution of glass tempering technology.

对于平板玻璃,热退火是最常用的。For flat glass, heat tempering is most often used.

时间磨练的是我们的机电厂品。Tempering time for our electromechanical producte.

所述的调和剂是指具有粘合作用的淀粉、甘油等。The tempering agent is starch, glycerin or other material.

真正讲锻炼,这一回还是要感谢右派。For real tempering this time we have to thank the Rightists.

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回火具有缓升缓降功能。There are slow rise and slow decline functions of tempering.

干燥后润谷可减少裂纹的发生。While tempering after drying can reduced fissure Occurrence.

它由防锈的回火钢制成,具有缎光表面。It is made of rustproof tempering steel with a satin-finish surface.

干燥后润谷可以减少裂纹的发生。However tempering properly after drying can reduce fissuring occurrence.

淬透性与等温回火温度无关。The hardenability is irrelevant to the isothermal tempering temperature.

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正是这种艰苦的生活,锻造了藏獒坚强的意志,砥砺了顽强的生命力。It is this hard life, forging its strong will, tempering its strong vitality.

应该给孩子一个空间,一片草地,让他自己摸爬,自己摔打。Children should be given a space, a lawn to his own Mopa, tempering their own.

东港人在市场经济的磨练下成长并成熟起来。Eastport ' s people grow up and grow up under the tempering of market economy.

回火提供了获得各种综合机械性能的方法。Tempering offers a means of obtaining various combinations of mechanical properties.

MIM钢试样的疲劳强度随着回火温度升高而减低。Fatigue strength of the MIM specimens declined with increasing tempering temperature.

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硫化物数量基本不随热处理制度变化。The content of sulphides does not change with the variation of tempering temperature.

但是,政治智慧是在复杂政治斗争中锻炼出来的。Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strifes to Bring about political wisdom.

磨削热导致回火引起淬硬钢磨削后表面硬度变化。Tempering by grinding heat causes hardness change at the surface of the hardened steels.