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这座岛屿事实上是一块丰腴的土地。The island was virtually a hammock.

在那两棵树中间挂着一个吊床。A hammock swings between the two trees.

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吃过午饭后,父亲在吊床上休息。After lunch Father reposed in the hammock.

在吊床上翻身很困难。It is difficult to turn over in a hammock.

当我造访时他正在帆布吊床上打瞌睡。He was dozing in the hammock when I called.

风和日丽的海边,你躺在一张吊床上,吊床来回的摇晃着。You’re lying in a hammock by a breezy shore.

空吊床悬在两棵美丽的树间。An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.

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你可以在你的院子里躺在吊床上看书或者睡觉。You can lie in a hammock in your backyard and read or sleep.

他在吊床上的时间减少了,却花更多的时间泡在酒吧里。He in the hammock time reduced, but spend more time in the pub.

那老汉正睡在两棵树之间的一个吊床上。The old man is sleeping in a hammock hanging between two trees.

有人在后院的树上挂起了吊床。Inthe back yard, someone had tied one end of a hammock to a tree.

那护士从床上抱起我那襁褓中的女儿,离开了房间。The nurse picked up my baby girl from the hammock and left the room.

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他抬头向上一望,看到矮子正在吊床里喷云吐雾。He looked upwards, and saw that the dwarf was smoking in his hammock.

等日落黄昏,已是一身湿漉,泥浆,疲惫,只想爬到吊床上。By sunset you’re wet, muddy, tired, and ready to crawl in your hammock.

在树荫下的拖个躺椅或者搭个吊床,躺上去休息!Pull up a lawn chair or hammock under your favorite shade tee and relax!

致力于公司品牌沙发、软床与世界同步。Devotes to the company brand sofa, the hammock and world synchronization.

马德望桑可河畔,一名男子在吊床上小憩。A man naps in his hammock along the bank of the Sangker River in Battambang.

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一旦酋长过世,他也会被以头部朝西的方向以吊床入殓安葬。When a chief dies, he is also laid to rest in a hammock with his head to the west.

在室内安装一个秋千,这非常有助于感觉系统的发育。吊床也可以。Install an indoor swing, which offers many sensory benefits. A hammock can work too.

但如果其中一人拿着吊床到另个茅屋和别人睡,他们就离婚了。Butif one up and takes his or her hammock to another hut, they're not marriedanymore.