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洛雷斯做出结论说,昏迷患者被以“令人不安的常规标准”误诊。Laureys concluded that coma patients are misdiagnosed "on a disturbingly regular basis".

叹息声透过外间的窗户,飘飘悠悠消弭在了喧嚣的雨声中。Sigh a voice via the skylight of outside, drift long stop at disturbingly loud rain voice in.

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但是在东京以北200英里的石卷市,他的故事实在是普遍得让人心酸。But in the port town of Ichinomaki, 200 miles north of Tokyo, his story is disturbingly common.

然而尸体越堆越多,那冷冰冰的血色的细节,就像我从前看过的商业片里的一样,令人不安地生动。Butthe corpses pile up, in cold fleshy detail, as disturbingly graphic asI've seen in a commercial film.

由于欧洲领导人那时的可悲错误,和2008年相似的情况真实的令人不安。Thanks to the abject failure of Europe's leaders since then, the similarities with 2008 are disturbingly real.

正如我列出的名作所说明的那样,浪漫,俏丽和令人不安的欲望之间通常是很难分辨的。The romantic, the saucy and the disturbingly kinky are often hard to tell apart as my list gently illustrates.

该唱片掭是一个有凝聚力的收集的歌曲是轮转华丽,纠缠着,剧场和令人不安坦率。The album is a cohesive collection of songs that is by turns gorgeous, haunting, theatric and disturbingly candid.

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我突然感到一阵晕眩,脑中闪现出我曾在柬埔寨看到过的一名雏妓的影像,也是类似的打扮,令人颇感不安。I had a dizzying flashback to an image of a child prostitute I had seen in Cambodia, in a disturbingly similar outfit.

两家公司在纷争由政府来调停这个问题上感到不安——早熟法团主义的征兆。And both companies have become disturbingly comfortable letting their jousts be mediated by Washington -- a sign of precocious corporatism.

就在上个星期,一项环境卫生研究结果称,在一批奶油样品中发现高含量的阻燃化学物质。Just last week, a study in Environmental Health Perspectives found disturbingly high levels of a flame-retardant chemical in a sample of butter.

早婚和逼婚、所谓的‘名誉杀人’、性暴力及贩运年轻妇女和女孩的行为盛行不止,在某些地区甚至有增无减,令人不安。Early and forced marriage, so-called "honour killing", sexual abuse and trafficking of young women and girls are disturbingly prevalent and, in some areas, on the rise.

她具有女人在等公共汽车时的那种神情,即便是她们站在马铃薯地埋葬雅各布的位置等待他醒过来,她的神情也是那个样子。She had the air of a woman waiting for a bus, even as they stood over the disturbingly accurate rendering of Jacob's body in the potato patch, waiting for him to awaken.

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毛蜘蛛一般和糖、盐、大蒜一起炸。The spiders are usually fried with sugar, salt and garlic, and is a mouthful of complex textures, starting from the ‘moreish, ’ cod-like head and body , to the disturbingly gooey abdomen.