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不小心你就会大吐特吐。You might accidentally puke.

我讨厌你们这些太多了,让我作呕。I hate you gooks so much, it makes me puke.

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她哭得很厉害,我都以为她要吐了。K. sobbing so hard I thought she would puke.

那些鸡佬们恶心得我连肠子都想吐出来。Those fags make me want to puke my fucking guts out.

他会喝到自己呕吐,我们还得看着他。He would drink until he'd puke. We'd have to see this.

你最终会失去你的声音,因为你呕吐和打嗝这麽多。You'll end up losing your voice because you puke and burp so much.

我当然很想去爱,可就这么个每天吃喝拉撒不停,8磅重的小家伙么?I wanted to, but what was to love in this 8-pound bundle of pee and puke?

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我非常恨你们这些韩国佬、你们让我作呕。Too bad it can't happen anytime soon. I hate you gooks so much, it makes me puke.

这家人吃了25刀的东西,等我清理完地毯才看到他们给我的小费是50美分。After cleaning up all the puke that was on carpet, I learned they tipped me 50 cents.

2000年前由瑞典阿捷科斯?科普柯跨国集团控股。Before the year 2000 by the Swedish Ajie Machakos »Ke Puke Transnational Group Holdings.

但这里提到的所有的雷射武器,机器人,音速爆破和催吐光线都是真实的。But all of the laser weapons, robots, sonic blasters and puke rays pictured here are real.

当你感到烧得更厉害时,去洗手间,到小隔间强迫自己呕吐。When you feel your fever worsen, head to the restroom. Go to a cubicle and force yourself to puke.

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他胳膊下面的瘀伤没有耐性地悸动着,他感觉自己又要吐了。Bruises along the underside of his arm throbbed impatiently and he felt like he was about to puke again.

首先,如果对方正打算备孕,或者不愉快地没有孩子,然后宝宝的呕吐实际上是一件显示胜利的壮举呀。For one, if someone is trying to conceive, or is unhappily child-free, then baby puke would actually be a triumph.

这种染料中毒会令你的一些内部器官如脱缰野马欲从内向外奔驰而出,这会是相当痛苦不堪的,直到你把内脏全部呕吐一空死亡为止。This dye poisoning causes your internal organs to ride from within, and it is really painful until you puke up your guts and die.

我将会呕吐如果我还得再读一次关于某人有多爱他的孩子的文章。If I have to read about how much someone loves their kids one more time, I’m gonna puke. Because we all know that parents love their kids.

光源是双脉冲放电激励的染料调Q红宝石激光器,用标准具做光谱分析仪。Using dye for Q-switching, a ruby laser pumped with double puke discharge was used as the light source and an etalon as the spectral analyzer.

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蹲在厕所里的时候我喊男朋友拿个碗给我用来吐,然后发现下面留下无数小点点。While on the toilet, I yelled for my boyfriend to get me a bowl to puke in. As I did so, I saw that a ton of it was forming on the floor in dots.

不管你管他叫吐出来的东西还是呕吐物什么的,不可否认的是你身上的每件东西都开始闻起来像婴儿呕吐物。Whether you call it spit-up, puke or barf mulch, there’s simply no denying the fact that every article of clothing you own will eventually start to smell like baby vomit.

俄罗斯外交部副部长谢尔盖·梁普科夫27日表示,利比亚局势已经发生根本变化,卡扎菲应该放弃政权,“我们必须协助他下台”。Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei beam Puke Fu 27, said the situation has been a fundamental change in Libya, Gaddafi should give up power, "we must help him to step down."