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阐述了体育院校在背越式跳高教学中的教学方法。The teaching method of fosbury flop, used in physical education colleges and universities were expounded.

主要采用实验教学法进行了短跑、背越式跳高两个项目的个案教学法与传统教学法的对比研究。A comparative research between case teaching and traditional teaching on sprint and Fosbury flop by experiment.

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涅槃乐队、背越式跳高与你的的职业和个人幸福有何必然联系?What do the iPad, the band Nirvana, and the Fosbury Flop have to do with your professional and personal well-being?

背越式跳高技术由幅度型、速度型、速度-幅度型向速度-力量型发展。This paper has introduced the development of Fosbury techniques from range type, speed type, speed-range type to speed-strength type.

型曲线助跑是现代背越式跳高中运动员采用最多的助跑技术,对提高运动员的成绩有重要意义。Curve modern approach is the most moving Fosbury Flop approach technology it is of great significance to improve the achievements of athletes.

因而,在背越式跳高训练中如何预防踝部损伤,运动损伤后的恢复训练,已成为很有必要研究的课题。Therefore, how to prevent ankle injury and to conduct recovery training after injury in Fosbury floptraining have become a question for study.

分析与诊断青少年跳高技术对提高我国跳高的整体水平具有重要意义。It is most important meaning that the fosbury flop technique of the youth is analyzed and diagnosed to improve the whole level of our high-jump.

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采用实验对比法,对学生掌握背越式跳高完整技术动作的情况进行了探讨。The experimental comparison is conducted to study the situation of students performing the completely skillful action of fosbury flop high jump.

先挺身式跳远后背越式跳高的教学顺序对学生掌握正确技术动作、减少错误动作发生率,明显优于先背越式跳高后挺身跳远的教学顺序。Experiment showed that the teaching sequence of "Fosbury Flop first, back style high jump second" is significantly superior to that of vice versa.

本文在实践的基础上,对背越式跳高的落地、起跳、过杆、助跑的技术要点和教学中所采用的一些方法分别作了较认真的探讨。This article is based on the our teaching of fosbury flop. We have made an approach to the ways of running up, taking off, clearing the bar and landing.

本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法和系统分析法对“J”型曲线助跑在背越式跳高中的作用和训练方法进行分析,为背越式跳高教学和训练提供参考。Based on documentation, Law expert interviews and analysis "J" curve Fosbury Flop in the run-up to the role and training methods for analysis, for your reference.

为了适应这种技术,应该重新认识现代背越式跳高运动员的速度和力量,它包括速度和跳跃力量能力。In order to adapt to this technology, it is necessary to re-understand the speed and strength of modern Fosbury athletes, which includes the ability of speed and jumping strength.

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运用多媒体CAI课件在中小学业余田径运动员背越式跳高训练中进行辅助教学,明显地帮助学生建立了完整的正确动作,迅速掌握技术,显著提高训练成绩。The application of Multimedia CAI courseware in fosbury flop training will help students have a complete and correct notion of the action, and master the skills to improve their performance.

特别是现代背越式跳高技术,它要求在高速助跑中完成快速起跳动作,运动员必须具备强大的支撑力量和高功率爆发力。In particular, modern Fosbury flop technique, which requires high-speed run-up to complete rapid take-off movements, athletes must have a strong support for the strength and high-power explosive.